brick gothic architecture

The medieval buildings were bound to specific cultural and political attitudes that were closely related to a stern Catholicism, more akin to Lutheran Protestantism than to Italian-minded Catholicism. Hourly trains to Kiel take just over an hour. The church was a very important pilgrimage destination throughout the later Middle Ages and again in the nineteenth century.4 The immigrants in Pilsen probably wanted a church building they recognized, in a style that was of their time and reflected the political and religious freedoms they had come to America for. It has an impressive Gothic hall and large 14th-century wall paintings. , See List of Gothic brick buildings in the Netherlands, See List of Gothic brick buildings in Poland. It houses religious art from the Middle Ages to the present with the works from the 15th and 16th centuries particularly impressive. In 1802, praising Napoleon, he arrived in Paris, and there in 1804, he published about Gothic architecture in his magazine Europe. The Nazarene style of painting was joined at the hip with Neugotik and became the most popular and widespread style not only in Germany but also across Europe, England, and the United States. Exterior, Friedrichswerdersche Church in Berlin by Friedrich Schinkel, 1830. Within a year, four of them had moved to Rome, where they lived communally in the abandoned monastery of San Isidoro. With the completion of Mariahilfkirche, the Neugotik was established in both north and south Germany. The Rathaus (Town Hall) of Lbeck shows building styles from the 12th to the mid-20th century. The towns and landscapes around the Baltic Sea are characterised by medieval brick buildings, their unique architecture and their aura of warmth. On the Breite Strae side, the 16th-century Dutch Renaissance staircase is the more impressive feature. |. Until 1658, Malm, Lund and Helsingborg were Danish. Advertise in SAJ standard-title For lack of stone, brick had been the Gothic building material of choice in northern Germany, from Saint Petersburg along the Baltic to the North Sea into the Netherlands. The identity-building function of Brick Gothic buildings across borders, formerly motivated by religious and economic considerations, is still effective today and is a central idea for the European Route of Brick Gothic. Lbeck was at this stage at the peak of its power and the third largest city in Germany. At No 21 is the Gnther Grass Haus a museum dedicated to the drawings, paintings, and sculptures of Gnther Grass, generally more famous for his writing. From Berlin, Flixbuscoaches take around four hours to Lbeck. October 15, 2017 by Henk Bekker in Baltic Coast, Germany, Lbeck, Northern Germany. In the United States, countless small, Deutsche Evangelische Lutheranische Kirche (German Evangelical Lutheran) congregations tended to build in modest exposed brick with a single tower over the main entrance. Filed Under: Baltic Coast, Germany, Lbeck, Northern Germany Tagged With: Brick Gothic, Rathaus, UNESCO. A few years later, again in Wrlitz, Frst Leopold Friedrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau, who had traveled extensively in England and there admired Tudor-Gothic, had his architect, Baurat Hesekiel, convert Saint Peters Church (built about 11961201) into a Neugotik showpiece between 1804 and 1809. Some parts, espacially Filarete Tower, are rather 19th century reconstructions than original. On the other hand, a significant number of Gothic brick buildings erected near the Baltic Sea could also have been built in the Netherlands or in Flanders, and vice versa. Lunch hour is a good time to arrive, preferably armed with reservations (tel 0451-76-776). Schlacks seems not to have left a written artists statement on the subject, but his love for this church, reflected in the lifetime of work he contributed to it, is statement enough that national pride may suggest an answer. Nearby, in a former monastery, is the St Annen Museum. In classical architecture, he saw order and necessity; in Gothic, he saw the natural and freedom.2. Campanile of the Church of San Michele in Africisco, Church of 6th century, tower of 14th/15th century, La Chiesa dell'Annunciazione di Valconasso, arcades of the court the only unplastered medieval bricks in Bergamo, on the edge of Renaissance, but the frieze of preformed brick on top of the gable is still Gothic, started in Romanesque style and marble, accomplished in Gothic style and brick. Numerous examples of Brick Gothic along the coasts and well inland bear witness to an abundant and impressive building culture. However, Lbeck has many sights in addition to the Marienkirche, Rathaus, Holstentor, and Buddenbrookhaus. The Gothic had both soul for the emotions and heart for the faithful. By the 1820s, the Nazarener had established themselves as masters and then directors of the art academy in Munich, Frankfurt am Main, and Dsseldorf, where their painting style and techniques became the rule. Late Middle Ages, 18th century alterations, 13th century, 14th and 15th century extensions and later alterations, Late 13th and early 14th century, possibly consecrated in 1310, the only Brick Gothic building in the Dniester basin, Lithuanian foundation, Roman Catholic former palace church of Fulsztyn Castle, IBE = Inventaris Bouwkundig Erfgoed (Inventory of Architectural Heritage), NM-DK = Digitized pages, available on the websites of the, Torre De Regibus (12th century and later). With so much competition in Lbeck on the brick-Gothic front, the main attraction in the Jakobikirche is not the architecture but rather the splendidly carved 16th-century organ lofts. Gottfried Semper wrote in 1846: The impression made on the masses by a building is partly founded on reminiscences.1 This certainly holds true for the Gothic, a style that for the masses has always evoked the awe of Christian grandeur and mysticism, if only in its soaring interiors and steeples. There were many German models to choose from. Also profoundly influencing England were the writings of the German Friedrich Schlegel (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Schlegel, born in 1772 in Hanover into a Lutheran pastors family and died in 1829), whose ideas on religious art and architecture were beginning to be known in the 1830s. Jutland part of Danish Region "Region Syddanmark"; that is much more than traditional "Snderjylland" . With its design and exposed brick, Schinkels Friedrichswerdersche Church influenced sacred architecture for several generations and paved a clear path all the way to the Bauhaus and beyond, especially in the United States. Angela Pfotenhauer, Florian Monheim, Carola Nathan: This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 11:21. Almost thirty years after the Nazarene-Brderschaft ideals were first nurtured and cultivated in Rome and then harvested in Germany, they rooted in England with the germination of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. A long block down Knigstrae is the Museumskirche St Katherinen (Museum Church St Catherines). The Dom in Bamberg became a model of what to do, but it was an Ottonian-Romanesque pile with not enough hints of Gothic to be a noteworthy model for Neugotik. former royal palace, later a hospital, when handed over to the abbey in 1346 the building was "humbled" and the roof was lowered. Only a few ramparts and city gates have been preserved as parts of intact ensembles, they mainly remain as single fortress towers or gates. Mosaics, completed in 1930, adorn the eastern walls and stained-glass windows by F.X. The Renaissance was a yearning for a better past, but without a Christian soul. The most influential structures are indicated by bold print. Flying directly to Lbeck is rarely an option. Possibly most importantly, Gothic architecture and artistic expression was a bedrock of the larger phenomenon called Romanticism that in Germany and central Europe led to an architecture called Historicism. Multi-layered latticework in artful designs with iridescent glazes in black, brown or green animate the wall surfaces. But with abundant stone available, the Neo-Gothic or Gothic Revival of England followed local traditions relegating clay to tiles and ornamentation, not to bricks for building. In Middles Ages, the same rulers were Dukes of Burgundy as French vassals and Counts of Burgundy as vassals of the Holy Roman Empire. His newly minted, three-aisled German hall church received a west faade in the style of French cathedrals, a ninety-three-meter-tall steeple modeled after the Minster in Freiburg, and a nave with ribbed vaulting of a type found in Saint Martin in Landshut. By the mid-nineteenth century, immigrants from both England and Germany had brought Gothic Revival and Neugotik, respectively, to the United States. To this day, visitors can still experience these buildings as being both familiar and new. the only surviving rural Gothic church in Lithuania. Is it correct to praise Saint Pauls as inspired by the sublime French church at Chartres, as the literature claims, and not Saint Elizabeth in Marburg? This Gothic was called Backsteingotik (Brick Gothic), and most importantly, it had not fallen as hard under the French spell as the great central German cathedrals and churches of quarried ashlar had. At about 1700 they were restored, inclusively of plastering, which need not necessary have existed before. More on this in Goerd Peschken, Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Das architektonische Lehrbuch (Berlin, 1979).3. First along the East Coast and then ever more inland, the two strains of Gothic struggled for dominance. In the Cologne Cathedral, Franz Mayer of Munich introduced a type of painted stained-glass window called the Munich style. Important examples can be found in Neubrandenburg and Greifswald. The original Romanesque basilica received a Gothic makeover and two additional naves during the 14th century. By placing his new parish church outside the traditional medieval market core of the city center, he took on city planning, leaving an open field around a building that looked like it had always been there. Littenstrasse 10 only the tower and parts of the nave are of bricks, gray brick: parts of the building of brick, parts of stone and de mixed parts, shells of the vaults and part of the interior sides of the walls of brick; outside all is of sandstone, perhaps the most lovely brick church of French Fladers, famous "White Tower" at a relatively low hall church, Gothic steeple of yellow brick, rest Gothic revival of red brick, l'glise est en partie gothique, mais le clocher et la flche sont nogothiques (style noflamand), very rare example of Gothic Flamish vernacular architecture, parts of the buttresses; originally abbey of the Recollet Friars; steeple built in the 19th century, built on a Romanesque predecessor (portal of the 12th century), later reconstructions in 1672, 1769, 1773, The department of Gers has a significant number of buildings in, nave of stone, destroyed in the end of WW: II, ruin of a perhaps originally plastered church, 14th century gothic enlargement of a Roamnesque stone church of 11th/12th century, Romanesque church with a Gothic choir, temporarily widely unplastered, but now plastered again, Romanesque-Gothic transitional style, reconstruction about 1900, Tower and originally possibly plastered vaults, central section of western faade, stylistically not very Gothic, Chiesa e convento di Santa Maria degli Angeli, on the border of Romanesque and Gothic styles, mainly Romanesque, but some chapels Gothic. The twin spires of the Marienkirche are 125 m high while the nave is at 38.5 m the highest brick nave in the world. Bricks were the Neugotiks building material of choice, light colored limestone or ochre terra-cotta its ornamentation. A year after Schinkels groundbreaking Friedrichswerdersche Church, the Mariahilfkirche in Munich broke ground. : +49 30 2061325-55 The Neugotik for church building was on its way. Hier knnte ein kurzer Text stehen, der ber der Seite steht. Church of the Holy John the Baptist at the Tschesmensker Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1780. Grass was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1999. Brick Gothic A fascinating building material that tells history, Brick Gothic A fascinating building material that tells history. Niederegger has some tables in the arcades but the main Caf Niederegger with its marzipan museum is just across the road. The church is the third largest in Germany. Buy the Amsterdam GVB Public Transportation Multi-Day Ticket online to save on bus, tram, and metro rides in the Dutch capital. Its development is closely linked to the history of the north-western and north-eastern European countries between the 13th and 16th centuries and the emergence of the Hanseatic League. Horace Walpoles Strawberry Hill (after 1749) was a conflation of Gothic elements, as was the English-inspired Nauener Tor in Potsdam from 1755, commissioned by Frederick the Great, who was an admirer of English secular use of the Gothic style for its allusion to the past. Among the first fresco paintings in Germany were those that were commissioned by King Ludwig I in 1846 for the Dom in Speyer from the artist Johann von Schraudolph (18081879). All rights reserved. 1. nave of granite, nave with romanesque walls of granit eashley and gothic vaults, whitened Gothic brick tower, before 1200 Romanesque nave granite walls, mid 15th century Late Gothic relaunch: brick tower, vauts, doors, frescos, tower and porch of brick in late Middel Age, renovation in 1801, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower and further whitened brick additions, Romanesque nave, Late Gothic whitened brick tower, younger porch, Romanesque nave, Late Gothic tower; upper storey of the tower demolished in 1841, Romanesque nave about 1200, Late Gothic tower about 1450, tower & relaunch of the nave by brick, whitened, Romanesque granite nave, Gothic whitened brick tower, former nunnery church, yellow brick, nowadays white washed, mainly Romanesque, but two Gothic windows and inside Gothic vaults, Romanesque nave of granite ashley, whitened brick tower & porch Late Gothic additions, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower; porch about 1900, yellow munk brick with granite ashley and chalk, nowadays white washed, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic red brick tower, interior of the nave about 1500, Romanesque granite church (about 1200) with Late Gothic whitened brick tower, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower and porch, Late Gothic red brick tower, Romanesque granite nave & choir, nave about 1130, tower & porch late Middle Age of brick, whitened, Romanesque basilica of granite ashley, Late Gothic tower of brick, nave & choir about 1180, tower & porch Late Gothic of brick, whitened, transept and tower of brick, partly whitened, Romanesque nave of granite ashley 13th century, Romanesque granite church with Gothic whitened brick tower, Romanesque nave of boulders & trachyte, Late Gothic tower of brick, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower & porch; upper storey of the tower replaced in 1935, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch & tower, all white painted, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick enlargement, porch & tower, all white painted, Romanesque nave of stone, Late Gothic tower, porch and enlargement of the nave by brick, nowadays all brick painted white, Gothic tower & porch of a Romanesque church of natural stone, Late Gothic tower of brick, white washed nave of granite and other stone, Romanesque granite church with Gothic brick vaulting & tower; the only church in Favrskov Kommune, whose brick additions are in Gothic style; since 12th century ruled by Aarhus cathedral chapter, Late Middel Age tower with basket arched windows at a Romanesque church of granite ashlar, originally Romanesque nave with a Gothic tower of yellow brick, altered in 17th century, white painted brick tower; Romanesque nave with Gothic alterations, Late Midde Age tower and alterations of brick, Gothic brick tower, white painted Romanesque nave, white painted Gothic brick tower, Neo-Romanesque nave, Present-day outer appearance dominated by Gothic Revival additions of 1870, vaults of the nave, choir, tower of brick, Late Middel Age porch of brikc and tower of granite & brick, Romanesque granite building partly replaced by Late Gothic, sacristy (2nd half of 15th century) and tower (1510s) of brick, tower (upper part) & porch (plastered) of brick, brick since 13th century, 14th century tower, white painted, upper storeys of the white painted Late Gothic tower of brick, Romanesque nave & choir of granite ashley, white painted Late Gothic tower of brick, tower 2nd half of 14th century, mainly brick, white painted, late Middle Age tower of brick, painted white, Romanesque choir & nave of granite ashley, upper parts of the white painted Gothic tower of brick, Gothic brick gables; tower nowadays serving as a light house, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic white painted brick tower and porch, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic white painted brick tower, Romanesque nave with gothic alterartions, tower in Gothic-Renaissance transitional style, nave & choir late 11th century of chalk ashley, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower and some later additions, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower, much of the outer skin of the tower renewed in 1891, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch, white washed, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower, white washed, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower, porch & sacristy, whitened Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower & porch, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower & transept, Baroque western gate, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic partly whitened brick tower, tower renovated in 1760 & 1901, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch, porch of alternant belts of red & yellow brick, tower probably also of brick, but painted, whitened Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower, Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower and white painted porch, all of brick: late Romanesque nave & choir and Gothic tower, choir 15th century, tower 1st half of 16th, all of brick, late medieval tower and porch of brick, Romanesque choir & nave, brick: porch about 1500, tower about 1550, Romanesque granits church with Late Gothic tower & transept, brick: porch since 13th, tower 14th century, unpainted, porch of the Romanesque round brick church, replacing a Romanesque perdecessor, white painted, core & tower Romanesque 12th century, 15th century or about 1500 porch & enlargement of the nave by brick, white washed, since 1808 in ruins for more than a century, very late Gothic prolongation and modernization of a Romanesque 12th century church, white washed, Gothic western portal, generally Romanesque, Romanesque nave partly of brick, Gothic choir of brick, all washed, one of the few initially Protestant Gothic churches, many boulders, few brick, washed or even plastered, , Romanesque & Gothic, nave mainly of boulders, white washed, tower of brick, plastered nave of boulders, porch & upper tower of brick, nave of stone; alterations in 19th century, Romaesque stone building enlarged by brick, Late Romanesque nave, Late Gothic additions, washed, founded about 1100 as a round stone church, Romanesque & early Gothic, eastern part rather of boulders, brick gothic additions to Romanesque started building; Romanesque frescos, Romanesque & Gothic, much of the nave plastered, nave except of the window framings plastered, beggun in Romanesque style already by brick, basilica, begun in Romanesque style already by brick about 1200, Romanesque & Gothic, nave of boulders & brick since 1150, after fire of 1795 reconstructed in early 20th century; lower parts of the tower original; nowadays a museum. Tom 2. In the Loir-et-Cher department, there is a small group of Gothic brick buildings. Starting in the second half of the 14th century, a rich decorative style developed, mainly adorning the gables. The Baroque and Rococo were theatrical, but lacked heart. Other styles followed, but none were as tenacious and emotionally fulfilling for European Christianity as Opus Francigenum. Zettler of Munich, Germany, narrate the story of Jesus and Saint Paul. The original desire to naturally build in forms of Opus Francigenum, later called Gothic, came about first in the early twelfth century in north central France. Gothic Brick structures from outside the Baltic or North German regions, e.g. Tel. The competition between the building types hall church and basilica led to a rich spectrum of variations. Its core is 12th-century Romanesque but this is well hidden by the 14th-century brick-Gothic makeover. The top sight in Lbeck is arguably the most-impressive brick building in the world the Marienkirche (Marys Church). In the 1790s, Schlegel was an atheist, a radical, and an individualist. . Though brick generally is not typical for medieval Swiss architecture, there are also some Gothic brick buildings in Switzerland, and some more have disappeared. Modeled by Henry J. Schlacks (18681938)a Chicago architect who called himself an Ecclesiologistfor a German congregation after Saint Elizabeth Church in Marburg, Saint Pauls is a superb interpretation of Neugotik outside and inside. The brick-Gothic Dom (Cathedral) is the oldest building in Lbeck. The cathedral was severely damaged in 1942 and much of its structure is thus concrete built to resemble the medieval original. Contact Us This list will never be complete. Adoption of medieval Gothic elements began in England around 1720 in new, almost exclusively secular construction. While there are many superb examples of Catholic New Gothic churches in the United States, Saint Pauls Church in Chicago is one that stands out. Rolf Achilles ( is an independent art historian and consultant with a special interest in the decorative arts. Venecian Gothic, parts of the upper storeys of brick, predecessors since 13th century, nowadays municipal museum, about 1500 transfomed from a fortification int a residential palace, Chiesa collegiata di S. Maria della Scala, Municipal Tower (Torre Civica del Belvedere), Romanesque windows, Gothic vaults, faade of stone, alterations to Renaissance, then in the 19th century re-(? In European architecture, Brick Gothic holds a special position. Photo: Photo: Rolf Achilles. Inside, similar to the Friedrichwerden Church, Saint Pauls is all brick, glazed in a graduated brown clear from the floor to the spring of the arch. Lbecks train station is a few minutes walk to the west of the old town center. At the behest of King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Ohlmller had cleaned the Dom (cathedral) in Bamberg of its 1660s Baroque encrustation and returned it into something akin to its Ottonian-Romanesque original. (*) "Our-Lady's-Assumption Church" = glise Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, See List of Gothic brick buildings in Germany, In Hungary, there is much more hidden than visible medieval brick. Flixbus buses are also available to Kiel and Copenhagen in Denmark. About SAJ West-Vlaanderen), Sint-Janskerk. Copyright 2022 - 2008 - Impressum - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Data Protection - About, Cheap Tallink Silja Ferries from Stockholm to Tallinn in Estonia, Top Sights to See in UNESCO-Listed Lbeck, Germany , Top Brick-Gothic Sights in Lbeck, Germany, Amsterdam GVB Public Transportation Multi-Day Ticket online, Day Trip Transportation from Paris to the Palace of Versailles, See Da Vinci and Rembrandt Paintings in the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow, Transportation by Train, Bus or Airport Shuttle from Schiphol to Amsterdam, Save with an Amsterdam Public Transportation Travel Card Ticket Pass, Save with the I Amsterdam City Card Pass on Transportation and Sightseeing. This was the first new church built with exposed brick since the Middle Ages. Times for tours of the interior is posted here. Called the Nazarener-Brderschaft, a mocking reference to the popular image of the bearded and long-haired man from Nazareth, the Nazarener hoped to return art to its spiritual origins by embodying values of late medieval and early Renaissance practices. All Rights Reserved. See Eberhard Leppin, Die Elisabethkirche in Marburg an der Lahn (Knigstein: Langewiesche, 1999). Photo: Nearby is one of the oldest social institutions in Europe, the 13th-century brick-Gothic Heiligen-Geist Hospital (Holy Ghost Hospice). (The full name is Church of the Holy John the Baptist at the Tschesmensker Palace). This large 13th-century church served as the inspiration and prototype for around 70 brick Gothic churches that were built during the Middle Ages in Northern Germany and other Baltic Sea states. Down Glockengieerstrae are several Hfe und Gnge (Courtyards and Passages) social housing erected by wealthy Lbecker during the 17th century for the poor and elderly. Gothic residential and commercial buildings with characteristic stepped gables bear witness to the aspirations and self-confidence of the economic bourgeoisie. Flemish Brabant, Walloon Brabant & Brussels, Central France, south and west of Orlans, (Ducal) Burgundy and Franche Comt region, (Wikimedia has no images of the Gothic phase. Trains from Berlin to Lbeck are frequent but require transfers and are only marginally faster than the bus (and usually more expensive). The large cathedral and city churches dominate the cityscapes. E-Mail: This mighty town gate was built to impress during the 15th century when such town walls had a lesser defensive purpose but rather had to impress on visitors the might of Lbeck. Europische Route der Backsteingotik The new style then quickly spread throughout northern Europe and elsewhere in the course of the thirteenth through seventeenth centuries. Many probably knew that the first pure Gothic church east of the Rhine was Saint Elizabeth in Marburg, built by the Order of the Teutonic Knights in honor of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, whose tomb is in the crypt. It is built of unglazed bricks, inside and out. Whatever the calling, Gothic Revival or New Gothic, both had their ardent supporters. Their church towers and town gates, their town houses and monastery walls are all glowing red. His building expressed its Gothic forms in exposed brick. underground relics and archeological findings, Walls of the aisles with layers of brick, other parts stone only; Romanesqu eparts mid 13th century, nave and base of the tower of red stone, tower of red brick with narrow layers of white stone, northern chapel and 14 meters of the choir 19421944, Romanesque nave of granite, white washed Gothic tower of brick, choir Late Gothic, tower Late Gothic & later heightened, tower & alterations of the nave Late Gothic of brick, washed, tower & porch LateGothic of brick, washed, Late Gothic enlargement and modernization, porch Late Gothic, tower replaced in 1937, nave & base of the tower of granite, tower of red brick, porch of washed biick, brick on a base of granite: Romanesque nave, Gothic porch, Baroque eastern enlargements, tower of 1848, Late Romanesque (also brick) & Late Gothic; gables altered to Baroque style, choir, tower & other additions to the Romensque nave (years on the tower from renovations), nave Romanesque, tower, sacrity & porch Late Gothic, Late Gothic whitened brick tower; Romanesque nave of granite, Romensque nave with Late Gothic painted brick tower & porch, choir & tower Late Gothic of brick, whitened, Gothic tower of Romanesque granite church, renovation 1757, poor chronicle information, whitene Githic brikc tower, Romanesque (?) Representative city halls with ornate facades were built as an expression of economic self-confidence. Gothic built in brick, though French in origin, was a variant distinctly non-French and thus suited to German spiritual needs and political wants. However, it is the brick Gothic that impresses most, especially from the Markt (market area) where the shields confirm that Lbeck was once a Free Imperial City. Four years later, in 1808, in Cologne with his wife, he converted to the Roman Catholic Church, moved to Vienna as imperial court secretary, and surrounded himself with monks and pious men of society while writing fiery proclamations against Napoleon. The Schiffergesellschaft (Seamens Guild) is one of the most popular restaurants in Lbeck. | Photo: nave 14th century, tower & porch 15th century, eastern part Romanesque with Renaissance gable, western part Gothic with brich tower, white washed; before the damming off of Nakskov Fjord near to the beach, washed, Gothtic choir, oldest wodden bell tower of Denmark, Romanesque with Gothic additions of porch, sacristy & vaults, Romanesque about 1200, Gothic choir 14th, tower 15th century; Renaissance alterations, Romanesque choir, gothicized Romanesque nave, Late Gothic tower, Late Romanesque basiilical nave, Erly Gothic choir, Late Gothic tower, later alterations, Romanesque nave of boulders, Gothic tower of brick, Elizabethan architecture, partly stone with layers of brick, partly brick, Elizabethan architecture, partly of bricks, Elizabethan architecture, partly brick, partly half-timbered, One of the oldest brick buildings in England.

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brick gothic architecture

brick gothic architecture