callrail submit ticket

Whether or not the notifications will be sent via email. CallRail uses API keys to authenticate and authorize requests being made to the API. There are no other fields in the object. Requests using, Deletes the target resource. A URL pointing to the recording of the call, if available. An ID indicating which company the message belongs to. The business tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format). }', '{ "last_name": "Belcher", Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned. The current lead status for the text conversation. This is assigned by the CallRail app. Grouping by company is only available when using the account-level endpoint. The frequency at which the emails are sent. The contents of the form submission, broken down by form field. Total number of calls that were missed in summary date range. The phone number of the customer, formatted for display. "local": "+15553104554" This endpoint supports Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering. The app will attempt to parse out any phone numbers in the form data, and use that phone number to create or find a customer to associate with the form submission. This endpoint retrieves a single summary email record. CallRail servers may be required to obtain tracking phone numbers in some cases. You should never store the URL returned in this response. "company_ids": ["COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", "COM0392748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38b254a2a"], Since numbers may load asynchronously, The timezone of the company associated with the conversation. Indicates whether the form has a monetary value associated with it. Full name of the user formatted for display. Not every type of integration can be configured with a trigger; the API will return a helpful error in those cases indicating the incompatibility. In general, a response status code other than 2xx indicates that the webhook was unable to complete the requested action. When set to true, this marks the specified call as spam. "append_tags": true, A list of relevant keywords automatically found in the call transcription. Indicates whether the tag is currently enabled or disabled. "pool_size": 4, If true, the phone number should be toll free. Source Tracker - Source trackers associate a single tracking number to a certain set of your customers based on how they found the number. Within CallRail, accounts are the top level object. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada. "name": "Widget Shop", See. obtain a phone number in the same area code as the provided number. This function provides access to the swap settings for the current page. This endpoint returns a paginated array of notifications within the target account. Return summarized Form data for an Agency or for a Company. At this time, only touch tone responses via the callers phone keypad are able to interact with a Call Flow. API responses will only include data pertaining to the users API key. Default is false. For this example, set the request method to, manually added by a CallRail user via the CallRail web application. This URL redirects to the actual audio file of the recording in MP3 format. "lead_status": "Not a Lead" Note that this can also be used as a catch-all setting. A list of each number entered by the caller as part of a call flow. This endpoint allows you to update a users summary email subscription. Specifying end_date=2016-10-17 will be interpreted as calls up to 11:59:59pm on that date. will be shown the tracking number. Below is a list of all acceptable color names along with their corresponding color and background color hex codes. Time series response data is intended to be displayed as a chart, and is limited to 200 data points. This webhook also contains a field called changes that notes which fields changed (like note, recording, tag). It is intended for developers and customers looking to integrate custom software directly with CallRail. arrived on the page from a given search engine and search type. order. JSON array of text messages returned by the query (fields described in table below). but is null or a blank string, the field will be cleared. How many phone numbers to allocate to this tracker. Only the frequency and configuration settings may be modified. start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-10-17. No formatting is required, as the script will search for all possible formats. If no Also Unique identifier for a specific text. Passing, List of field names to ignore when capturing form submissions. The above command returns a JSON object like this: You can use the API to create a single integration trigger for each integration. "form_submission": { The new password the user would like to use to log in to CallRail. passwords or credit card information in your form submissions or our database. } An array of JSON objects containing total counts of requested summary data, grouped by the. The number of records being returned per page. When creating a Source or Session Tracker, you are given the opportunity to One of. Also note that if no suitable replacements are found, some values from the queried number list may See. This can involve multiple steps before ultimately routing Your server will receive the call information before the call is connected, allowing you to develop real-time systems for your representatives, such as screen-pops or CRM database lookups. Its been replaced, see. offline campaign such as a TV or Print advertisement. the specified query parameters will be served the tracking number. associated with this tracker. The field by which the returned response will be sorted by. If provided. Congratulations! Filtering allows the list of objects returned for a specific endpoint to be filtered by specific parameters. "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", Object that captures all of the form fields and values, The URL that the user landed on from the referring entity. When updating a call, the following fields may be included in the request body. This endpoint allows creation of a new summary email subscription. If null, this notification applies for all agents. Updates can only be made for users that have accepted their invitation. }, List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker. Code can be found here. Grapher is intended for anyone who wants to see an example of how to consume CallRails API. "lead_status": "good_lead", The tracking number will "swap_landing_override": "utm_source", * We can invoke CallTrk.swap() manually to attempt a swap. parameter is optional. An ID indicating which company the tracker belongs to. This Summary Data response field is available by default. }', "{account_id}/form_submissions/{form_submission_id}.json", '{ If true, sends an email to the user prompting them to set the password. To assign a color to a Tag, youll select one of the color names from the table below to set as the value of the color object. "top_keywords": true, The customers phone number formatted for display. Indicates whether the company is currently active or disabled. To configure using this option, pass a JSON object with any of the keys described "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", Provide data before provided date and time. The email address the user will use to log in to CallRail and receive call or text message notifications. Each record indicates if it is active for calls, text messages, or both. While most users will not need to do anything beyond installing swap.js on their website, CallRails Dynamic Number Insertion script provides a set of options and methods which might be useful to those with advanced use cases. CallRail has its own nomenclature that is used to describe our call tracking technology. The telephone number to be verified with the Outbound Caller ID feature. { error: 'You must select a different number for outbound Form Submission calls before disabling this tracker.' These users cannot create or modify tracking numbers or other settings. One of. To track all website visitors regardless of source, specify the string "all" in place If the parameter is omitted, processing starts at document.body. The call routing complete webhook executes the moment an inbound phone call has been routed to its destination. Each Integration type has its own specific configuration format. Account Administrator users have access to all companies in the account. or all visitors who found your site from a paid Google search. full session details for individual visitors. One of admin, reporting, or manager. We recommend migrating to use the submitted_at field. Whether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. Forbidden The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/{call_id}/recording.json. Users in your CallRail account can be configured to receive periodic activity emails. An advanced call flow may have multiple steps This endpoint supports Pagination, Sorting, Filtering, and Field Selection. If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be. Theyll also have the same permissions as Reporting and Email-only users as outlined below. A short representation of the scope (either Company or Account) for which this email is configured. Whether or not the phone number has been verified in CallRail. This object has keys for at least one of. The users. If the notification is being created for an email-only user, a, Limit this notification to calls/sms to the specified agent. "name": "My Billboard", If it is included The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset. Will return a list of user objects for the target account, sorted by email address in alphabetical order. The date and time the page view was created in ISO 8601 format. */, /* This example uses getSwapNumbers to manually perform number swapping. This endpoint supports Pagination and Sorting. All Call Source objects will have the following: A value of "all" indicates that all online traffic will see the number If provided, only return summary email records configured for the specified user. tags: This parameter can be provided as tags=A for a single tag, or tags[]=A&tags[]=B to return calls tagged with either tag A or tag B. Searching is available for the following fields: This endpoint returns a single call object associated with the target account. before arriving via search engine, and their browsing history on your site. These users cannot otherwise login to the CallRail web interface. This endpoint supports Pagination and Filtering. "tags": ["New Client"], The integration trigger is scoped to the tracker ids present in this array. This webhook should not be expected to be real-time, and has a maximum delay of 20 minutes after the hangup before it fires. The keywords the visitor searched for, if available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. Or, if youre overseeing calls to a franchise, you can create separate companies for each franchise location. it is strongly recommended that you use the callback mechanism rather than relying on the return This is the most common use case for local numbers. When creating a Custom Cookie Capture Integration, the field below should be provided in the config object. Your "bing": ["paid", "local"] Whether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled. Email-only users can be configured to receive email notifications for incoming calls and texts to tracking numbers, and to receive scheduled summary emails. A value of mobile_ad_extension" means that this number will be shown in a Google Ads Call Extension for call-only campaigns or campaigns targeting mobile devices. Call recording must be enabled on tracking numbers where youd like to transcribe calls. Email address for the user who answered the call, when applicable. They allow software developers to send real-time call notifications to web applications and reporting systems. and provides a callback mechanism to swap numbers. Once webhooks is set up, it sends an HTTP POST request to a URL endpoint of your choice. See, Whether or not the company has CallScore enabled. This webhook includes all information about the message, including the ID for the message, as well as the contents of the message. Cookie duration length in number of days (30, 60, 90, or 365.) After a successful request to this endpoint, the specified phone number will ring and prompt for a code to be entered in order to verify the phone number. Please leave a message. "customer_phone_number": "+14044442233", The URL that referred the visitor to your website. An object that contains further configuration for the specified companies summary emails. Please try again later. Currently the only types that can be created via the API are Webhooks and 'Custom integrations. These values are used for simple string matching and are most commonly used as a list of domain names to match. An array of types of Bing Search to be handled by this tracker. Instead, you should make a request to this endpoint whenever you need to obtain current location of this MP3. Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. For legacy purposes some additional fields are returned in the JSON and in the GET request line, but new implementations are strongly encouraged not to rely upon parameters other than the ones currently documented. "config": { This endpoint returns a single account object scoped to the provided API key. I want them cleaned up before dinner. CallRail will attempt to Name of the referring entity, e.g. If left blank for a email only user, an error will be returned; otherwise, the summary email settings will be assigned to the Account for the specified accounts/companys summary emails. Turns the CallScribe feature on or off for this company. of the object. This number must be added to the Call Extension or Call-Only Ad in Google Ads. Integration triggers are filter criteria that can be applied to integrations to limit the kinds of data or events that are shipped to third-party services. "call_enabled" : true } Your computation should return a signature of UZAHbUdfm3GqL7qzilGozGzWV64=. "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", Indicates the user to receive these notifications. The total number of calls received from a customer phone number. "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d"], An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker. API requests to manage other users passwords will result in an error. They can make notes on calls, listen to recorded calls, and tag and score calls. Company integration data collected for a given call, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. See an additional list of Time Zones in the Getting Started section. The post-call webhook executes after an inbound phone call has completed and its recording and transcription have completed and attached. }', "{account_id}/trackers.json", "This call will be recorded for quality assurance", "{account_id}/trackers/{tracker_id}.json", '{ When you make an outbound call through CallRail, you can choose any of your active tracking numbers to appear on the recipients caller ID. "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", This can be overridden for specified API requests by including a time_zone parameter. "referring_url": "", The format for more advanced call flows is necessarily more complex: The Call Source object describes the type of website visitor that will be tracked by a Session Tracker, and therefore see numbers from the pool. The password used to log in to CallRail prior to password change. Dates and times provided in this manner are inclusive. Swap Target - The swap target is the telephone number CallRail looks for on your website to dynamically replace with a tracking number. This parameter can be provided as one or more comma-separated values, If provided, only return forms made to specific custom forms. "pool_size": 10, Total number of paginated messages returned in each page. }', "{account_id}/tags/{tag_id}.json", "{account_id}/companies.json", "//", "//", "//", "{account_id}/companies/{company_id}.json", '{ "color": "gray1" "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", Limit this notification to the specified tracker. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada. An integer representing seconds should be passed. fields from previous form submissions. Only administrators can create summary email subscriptions for other users. "recording_enabled": false, Ensures results contain integrations belonging to a single company. If set, the campaign name assigned to your source tracking number in CallRail. However, See, /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers/{tracker_id}.json. Total number of messages returned in the conversation. request what kind of phone number(s) you would like to use for the tracker. This endpoint retrieves a text message conversation. This Call Summary data can be limited to a specific date range, can be filtered based on a variety of criteria, and can be grouped by source, keywords, campaign, referrer, landing_page, or company. No Content The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content. Theyll also have the same notification configuration options as the users outlined below. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, theyre not much bigger than two meters. Unique alphanumeric identifier for the text conversation. Text message webhooks send after a text message is received by one of your tracking numbers. "type": "basic", "whisper_message": "Call from [source]", See, A transcribed copy of the phone call conversation, if available. The configure time zone of the company in CallRail. The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number. contents to CallRail, and then trigger the given callback. JSON array of all companies the user is associated with. This can be overridden for specified API requests by including a time_zone parameter. This field will be, The URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. This endpoint initiates an outbound call from the target account. "field_names": ["field_1", "field_2"] In addition, a time zone can be specified to align dates as expected. call_type: first_call, missed, voicemails, inbound, or outbound, answer_status: answered, missed, or voicemail, lead_status: good_lead, not_a_lead, or not_scored. Call modified webhooks are sent when a call has changed after its ended. The CallRail API adheres to REST architectural principles. "search_type": "organic" }', "These are not the droids you are looking for. supported by jQuery selectors. callback function should handle number insertion or replacement, including any desired formatting. The individual attributes of integration triggers are additive; that is, creating a trigger for first calls longer than 10s will only trigger integrations for calls that match both attributes. "pre_call_webhook": [""] Similarly, anyone who has your API key can use that key to access or modify any data you have control over. Ensures results contain integration triggers and integrations belonging to a single company. Must be a valid 10 digit US or Canadian number. Unique identifier for the company. Request a toll free number in the 888 area code. "top_sources": true, Applications should detect this code and react by pausing or slowing requests until the 429 clears. Basic information on which company owns this Tracker. An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle. Summary count fields are listed below in the Summary Data Response Fields table. The link is intended for playback in a client browser or downloading the file to your own storage mechanism. Unique identifier for the form submission. "call_type": null, Required if. When enabled, alert_type becomes required. "config": { Comma-separated list of the following: If provided, show results for a specific device type. A summary email subscription represents a periodic email sent to a user with information about recent activity within a CallRail account. An array of types of Yahoo Search to be handled by this tracker. A link CallRail URL to the audio file of the recording in MP3 format. Should be one of. By default, the swap target is the destination number, but you can specify a different swap target for each tracker on the number configuration page. If it is included The request body below is standard for all Users. Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. If provided, only return tags at the specified level (. "swap_targets": ["7705551234", "7705554567"], Total number of calls that were answered in summary date range. This endpoint disables an Integration object in the target company. Daily emails are sent every morning, while weekly emails are sent every Monday, and monthly emails are sent on the first of every month. The name of the tag formatted for display. Administrators have complete access to every company in your account. Multiple search terms are not supported. This can happen Required when. Limit response to conversations belonging to a single company. An optional default integration trigger can be defined for a company. Trackers are phone numbers that can be used to route phone calls to a business. When used online, a single source tracking phone number may be shown to To request access, please Submit a Ticket. "call_flow": { Whether or not the account is a HIPAA account. Summary count fields are listed below in the Summary Data Response Fields table. If a field is not included, its value will not be changed. This endpoint allows you to update a users notification. "business_phone_number": "+14045556666", * an expected display format for your locale. You can use the API to add a Tag or a Note to a form submission, to set the form submissions lead status, or to add a monetary value to the form submission. create form fields that will be ignored for future form submissions, as well as retroactively removing the ignored One of active or archived. The telephone number (in e.164 format) of the Outbound Caller ID object. The options you can provide are as follows: Request a phone number local to a given business phone number. See. (Deprecated) CallRails DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect. If no page number is specified the first page will be returned. Tracking phone number used to send this message to the customer. An integer representing seconds should be passed. For notification records configured for calls, the alerts can be further filtered by type of call. The CallRail API aligns all dates to the time zone specified within the account. } To disable, pass. You can use the secret token on your server to recompute the same hash based on the request payload. This endpoint supports Pagination, Sorting, and Searching. For security reasons, you may want to ensure that requests received by your server are sent by CallRail. }', '{ its children. Unique identifier for the person associated with the text message. One of admin, reporting, or manager. Requests using, Page number that should be returned for this request (The first page is 1. A null value on an integration trigger attribute indicates that attribute is not being used as a filter criteria. The remaining sections provide documentation for the available endpoints of the API. multiple visitors simultaneously, and as such cannot be used to capture } We wont return the page views that occurred after the call took place. For example, you can create a call tag named Online Ad Campaign Confirmed Appointment and automatically apply it to calls with a source of Google Ads, when the caller says the phrase make an appointment.. A value of "landing_url" indicates that online visitors who first land on a specific webpage The length in seconds of the recording, if available. numbers swapped by normal swap.js operations. To obtain all calls on a specific date, specify the same date for both start_date and end_date. The domain that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. "search_type": "organic" This webhook sends the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. If provided, only include summary data for calls over the specified duration. created_at: NOTE this field will be deprecated as a sortable field in the future. "form_data": { Tracker or Session Tracker would match a given visitor, that number will take This notification is limited to calls/sms to this specific agent. The Updating a Call endpoint has been enhanced to allow for edits to Customer Name, and setting Spam status to true to mark a call as spam. Indicates whether the company has the external form capture feature enabled. Editing a tag will change the tag in every place its currently assigned. Indicates the user to receive these summary emails. When set as true, visitors. The url the caller was viewing before navigating to new portion of a website or the last url visited before calling the tracking number displayed on a website. "area_code": "555", Given a DOM

Node or a document.querySelector() String that resolves to a , report the form When set to true, any tags passed in the parameters will be added to the tags already present on the call. "call_type": "vm", Tags are labels that can be applied to help sort and categorize your calls, form submissions, and text messages. Not Found The server did not find the target resource or endpoint. "type": "basic", Requests using, Submits data to update a target resource. Your endpoint should respond with a HTTP status code of 2xx to indicate that the data was received properly. It is provided for situations This is typically your primary business phone number. The URL returned will expire in about 24 hours. A valid integration state. Reporting users can view calls, text messages, and reports about the data associated with their companies. If provided, show results for calls to a specific Agent. This endpoint returns a paginated array of all the integration triggers and their associated integrations. When updating a form submission, the following fields may be included in the request body. See the Terminology section for more info about session trackers. See the Terminology section for more info about source trackers. Describes the configuration setup of the notification. This string must be limited to 140 characters. "append_tags": true CallRail will prefer area codes in that "sms_enabled": true, Either an. They can listen to recorded calls if they receive an email about the call. This is the default for API requests that dont specify date parameters. Repeated failed webhooks could result in an automated disabling of the webhook integration. "pre_call_webhook": [""] Call modified webhooks send the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. }', "{account_id}/notifications/{notification_id}.json", "{account_id}/caller_ids.json?company_id=213472384", "{account_id}/caller_ids/{caller_ids_id}.json, '{ The direction of the text message sent to or received from the customer.

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callrail submit ticket

callrail submit ticket