monkeypox cases in europe

There is the high likelihood that further cases will be found without identified chains of transmission, including potentially in other population groups. He had already showed symptoms since 29 April, and was admitted to hospital in London on 6 May. This information should be shared with prospective attendees and all those involved in the event planning and delivery. However, there remains a hypothetical risk of human-to-animal transmission; as such appropriate measures such as physical distancing of persons with monkeypox from domestic pets, proper waste management to prevent the disease from being transmitted from infected humans to susceptible animals at home (including pets), in zoos and wildlife reserves, and to peri-domestic animals, especially rodents. He had no close contacts with anyone in Estonia. In other cases, patients developed the rash without any flulike symptoms at all. WHO continues to support sharing of information. Public health authorities and event managers should work together to ensure targeted information reaches event-goers before, during and after the event. [1][9] People can spread the virus from the onset of symptoms until all the lesions have scabbed and fallen off; with some evidence of spread for more than a week after lesions have crusted. Practice basic health precautions, including frequent handwashing with soap and water, covering the nose and mouth when coughing, and avoiding obviously ill individuals. [2][4] The classic presentation of fever and muscle pains, followed by swollen glands, with lesions all at the same stage, has not been found to be common to all outbreaks. J h 14 casos de varola dos macacos em Portugal", "Okube z virusom opijih koz v Sloveniji", "Los casos activos de viruela del mono ascienden a 171 en Andaluca, con 60 ms en investigacin", "Sanidad comunica tres casos confirmados y tres en estudio de viruela del mono desde ayer", "La Comunidad de Madrid suma 1.199 casos de viruela del mono y 89 vacunas administradas", "Veintin casos ms de viruela del mono elevan a 58 los positivos en Comunitat", "Alerta sobre infeccin de viruela de los monos en Espaa y otros pases no endmicos", "Monkeypox cases investigated in Europe, US and Canada", "Apkoppor (Internationellt maj 2022-) Folkhlsomyndigheten", "Ett fall av apkoppor rapporterat i Sverige", "Monkeypox outbreak: epidemiological overview, 15 July 2022", " ",, CS1 European Portuguese-language sources (pt-pt), Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Articles containing potentially dated statements from July 2022, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 6 May 2022 (2months, 3weeks and 5days ago), This page was last edited on 30 July 2022, at 22:40. On 22 May, Austria confirmed its first case of monkeypox. The person was not reported to be a woman or a man, but it was most likely a man. [41], On 3 June, Latvia confirmed its first monkeypox infection. A protocol to support implementation of the CIF is being also finalized. This form can be used for investigation of exposure risks and transmission dynamics of cases and secondary infection risk in contacts. Providing public health advice on how the disease transmits, its symptoms and preventive measures and targeting community engagement to the population groups who are most at risk, is critical to minimize spread. Of cases reported (468 out 2103 confirmed cases) from 14 countries for which demographic information and personal characteristics are available, 99% are reported in men aged 0 to 65 years (Interquartile range: 32 to 43 years; median age 37 years), of which most self-identify as men who have sex with other men. In the period following the eradication of smallpox, more people were immune to orthopoxviruses through exposure to smallpox or receipt of smallpox vaccine. It was in two men who most likely contracted the disease from a trip to Europe. Caring for patients with suspected or confirmed monkeypox requires early recognition through screening adapted to local settings, prompt isolation and rapid implementation of appropriate IPC measures (standard and transmission-based precautions, including the addition of respirator use for health workers caring for patients with suspected/confirmed monkeypox, and an emphasis on safe handling of linen and management of the environment), physical examination of patient, testing to confirm diagnosis, symptomatic management of patients with mild or uncomplicated monkeypox and monitoring for and treatment of complications and life-threatening conditions such as progression of skin lesions, secondary bacterial infection of skin lesions, ocular lesions, and rarely, severe dehydration, severe pneumonia or sepsis. Multiple lineages of Monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-2022. Global clinical data platform for monkeypox case report form (CRF) , 14 June 2022. Case and contact investigation form, 16 June 2022. WHO Go.Data: Managing complex data in outbreaks. The World Health Organization on Saturday declined to declare monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern, its highest alert level. Human-to-human transmission primarily occurs through close personal contact with an infected individual via respiratory droplets, direct contact with bodily fluids, or indirect contact with lesion material - e.g., contaminated clothing or bedding. The 2022 monkeypox outbreak in Europe is a part of the outbreak of human monkeypox caused by the West African clade of the monkeypox virus. [47], On the same day, Georgia also confirmed its first case of monkeypox. Europe is the center of a global outbreak of the virus with 90% of confirmed monkeypox cases reported there, according to the WHO. Although monkeypox and COVID-19 spread between people differently, some of the COVID-19 measures applied during social gatherings such as keeping a physical distance and practicing regular handwashing are also effective against the transmission of monkeypox virus; as such, they should be continued; skin-to-skin and face-to-face contact should be discouraged. [26]It is unknown how it was contracted, but likely via travel or skin-to-skin contact abroad. "There is simply no room for complacency especially right here in the European Region with its fast-moving outbreak that with every hour, day and week is extending its reach into previously unaffected areas," Kluge said. Gatherings and events where physical contact, including sex, may be involved may represent a conducive environment for the transmission of monkeypox virus if they entail close, prolonged or frequent interactions among people, which in turn could expose attendees to contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials. WHO is working to identify Member States who may be interested in sharing these detailed data, or analyses, to inform the global understanding of the current outbreak. It is also approved in the European Union for treatment of monkeypox. The majority of European countries responded to the outbreak, and the responses of some are listed below. [21], An index case was imported into the United Kingdom in late April 2022, by a man who had travelled to Nigeria, where the disease is endemic. Risk management services powered by intelligence and technology that keep people safe wherever and whenever needed. However, clearly communicating the reality of the current outbreak is also crucial, he added. Attendance lists for participants in gatherings can be introduced, if applicable, to facilitate contact tracing in the event that a monkeypox case is identified. eating utensils, clothing, electronic devices, bedding); keeping hands clean with water and soap or alcohol-based gels; and maintaining respiratory etiquette. CDC has also warned clinicians to not rule out monkeypox in patients with sexually transmitted infections since there have been reports of co-infections with syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes. Through its "visualization" feature, Go. The majority of cases (98%) have been reported since May 2022 (Figure 1). An antiviral agent, tecovirimat, has been approved by the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of smallpox. Various wild mammals have been identified as susceptible to monkeypox virus in areas that have long experienced monkeypox. [36][37], On 28 May, Malta registered its first case of monkeypox. A rash that looks like pimples or blisters then appears on the body. Currently, the public health risk at the global level is assessed as moderate considering this is the first time that monkeypox cases and clusters are reported concurrently in many countries in widely disparate WHO geographical areas, balanced against the fact that mortality has remained low in the current outbreak. There is a risk to health workers if they are in contact with a case while not wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent transmission; though not yet reported in this current outbreak, the risk of health care-associated infections has been documented in the past. [8] It may spread from infected animals by handling infected meat or via bites or scratches. Information should reach those who need it most during upcoming small and large gatherings, particularly among social and sexual networks where there may be close, frequent or prolonged physical or sexual contact, particularly if this involves more than one partner. Genomic sequencing of viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), where available, is being undertaken. [17] The origin of several of the cases of monkeypox in the United Kingdom is unknown. The disease was likely contracted from a stay in the Canary Islands. Interim advice on Risk Communication and Community Engagement during the monkeypox outbreak in Europe, 2022 Joint report by WHO Regional office for Europe/ECDC, 2 June 2022. WHO Monkeypox outbreak: update and advice for health workers, 26 May 2022. WHO Monkeypox: public health advice for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, 25 May 2022. Monkeypox minimum dataset case reporting form (CRF), 14 June 2022. Confirmation of one case of monkeypox, in a country, is considered an outbreak. Documents under development (for more information see WHO Advice section above): When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Some species may have asymptomatic infection. [19], A large portion of those infected were believed to have not recently traveled to areas of Africa where monkeypox is normally found, such as Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as central and western Africa. It is likely that the actual number of cases remains an underestimate. [1] Symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash that forms blisters and then crusts over. Some countries reported confirmed cases after reporting suspected cases. Gatherings should be used as opportunities for information outreach and community engagement; attention should also be dedicated to the social context in which the event takes place, with a focus on individual risk behaviours associated with side events and unplanned congregations (i.e.. gatherings in bars and pubs, house parties, private spaces, etc.). Monkeypox primarily spreads through close physical contact with a person who is infected or contaminated material such as shared clothing or bedsheets. measles-mumps-rubella, varicella zoster vaccine, to support making a diagnosis), and information on close contacts as per WHO interim guidance on surveillance, case investigation and contact tracing for monkeypox (please refer to the WHO Guidance and Public Health Recommendations section below). Note: the data for the current epi week are incomplete and should be interpreted cautiously. Smallpox, monkeypox and other poxvirus infections", "The transmission potential of monkeypox virus in human populations", "Interim Clinical Guidance for the Treatment of Monkeypox | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC", "Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries: Update", "Monkeypox United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Monkeypox 'spreading in sexual networks', "OPINION: Media coverage of monkeypox paints it as an African virus. It is important to communicate early, often, consistently through known and trusted communication channels and in language and terminology used by the affected populations. [6], The disease is caused by the monkeypox virus, a zoonotic virus in the genus Orthopoxvirus. The appearance of lesions may be asynchronous and persons may have primarily or exclusively peri-genital and/or peri-anal distribution associated with local, painful swollen lymph nodes. On 12 May, the man was confirmed to have contracted monkeypox. Multicolour, multiplex real-time PCR assay for the detection of human-pathogenic poxviruses. Jezek Z., Fenner F.: Human Monkeypox. At least 6,218 suspected cases, including 6,214 confirmed, have occurred May 31-July 6. It was revealed that it was an "imported case", meaning that the patient may have contracted the disease abroad. The decision to test should be based on both clinical and epidemiological factors, linked to an assessment of the likelihood of infection. The disease was likely picked up via travelling abroad or skin-to-skin contact. Public health advice for gatherings during the current monkeypox outbreak, Interim risk communication and community engagement guidance for monkeypox. Person to person transmission is ongoing, still primarily occurring in one demographic and social group. Suspected cases have been identified in Italy, France, and Belgium. To date, limited tools are available for countries to be able to graph these chains of transmission and identify clusters or contexts of transmission in real time. Details can be found in Laboratory testing for the monkeypox virus: Interim guidance (23 May 2022), Risk communication and community engagement. The patient had no travel history, meaning he didn't contract the disease abroad.[27]. You have been automatically redirected to Staff responsible for dealing with attendees who fall ill at the event should be provided with information on how to manage people with signs and symptoms consistent with monkeypox. Atypical features described include: presentation of only a few or even just a single lesion; lesions that begin in the genital or perineal/perianal area and do not spread further; lesions appearing at different (asynchronous) stages of development; and the appearance of lesions before the onset of fever, malaise and other constitutional symptoms. Among patients where information was available on their status, nearly 10% were hospitalized for treatment or isolation and one patient ended up in an intensive care unit, Kluge said. Public health officials should work with travel operators and public health counterparts in other locations to contact passengers and others who may have had close contact with an infectious person while travelling. He called the spread of monkeypox in Europe an "emergency event.". Therefore, initially most early cases of human monkeypox were among children who were vulnerable and therefore at risk of more severe disease. It was in a patient of undisclosed gender who likely contracted the disease from a trip to Europe. On 21 May, Switzerland confirmed its first case of monkeypox. Based on available information at this time, WHO does not recommend that Member States adopt any measures that interfere with international traffic for either incoming or outgoing travellers. Second- and third-generation smallpox vaccines have been developed to have an improved safety profile and one has been approved for prevention of monkeypox. Some monitors saw community transmission taking place in the London area as of mid-May,[18] but it has been suggested that cases were already spreading in Europe in the previous months. Accredited specialists, we offer consulting and response plans to prevent ransomware & other cyber attacks. This article is about the outbreak on the continent. Extended training. It is unknown how it was contracted, though it is being investigated. [44], On 10 June, Poland confirmed its first monkeypox case. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. The following precautionary measures can be considered to reduce risk of monkeypox transmission associated with such events: As it is standard practice for mass gatherings, and even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic, authorities and event organizers are invited to apply the WHO recommended risk-based approach to decision-making, and tailor it to the large or small social events under consideration. WHO assesses the risk at the global level as moderate considering this is the first time that many monkeypox cases and clusters are reported concurrently in many countries in widely disparate WHO geographical areas, balanced against the fact that mortality has remained low in the current outbreak. Many of the cases in this outbreak report attending one or more recent mass gatherings in Antwerp, Madrid, and Gran Canaria, Spain; mass gatherings always present an elevated risk of infectious disease. [52], On 2 July, Andorra registered its first monkeypox case in a woman of unknown age. WHO is continually updating its content through Monkeypox Q&A, public communication platforms and other materials. Online training module. WHO Guidance on regulations for the transport of infectious substances 2021-2023, 25 February 2021. WHO disease outbreak news: Monkeypox, all items related to multi-country outbreak: WHO disease outbreak news: Monkeypox, all previous items including endemic countries and traveller-associated outbreaks: WHO AFRO Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies, Week 24, 2022, WHO AFRO Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies, Week 23, 2022, WHO AFRO Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies, Week 22, 2022. WHO AFRO Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies, Epidemiological Week 21, 2022: World Organisation for Animal Health, founded as OIE: Monkeypox. New infections have tripled since June 15 with 4,500 confirmed cases across 31 European nations. Monkeypox: Introduction. Steps for self-protection include avoiding sexual contact with someone with a localized anogenital rash or skin lesions and limiting the number of sex partners; avoiding close contact with someone who has symptoms consistent with possible monkeypox infection and avoid sharing of personal items (e.g. [7] Of the two types in humans, the West African type causes a less severe disease than the Central African (Congo basin) type. Real time 24/7 site monitoring, alerts, and rapid response to prevent loss of assets anywhere in the world. Kluge said the vast majority of patients in Europe had a rash and about three-quarters reported flulike symptoms. Figure 2 and Table 1 show the number of cases of monkeypox by country, reported to or identified by WHO from 1 January through 15 June 2022, 5 PM CEST. On 27 May, Ireland confirmed its first case of monkeypox in the east of the country. Monkeypox. The modes of transmission during sexual contact remain unknown; while it is known that close physical and intimate skin-to-skin or face-to-face contact can lead to transmission (through direct contact with infectious skin or lesions), it is not clear what role sexual bodily fluids, such as semen and vaginal fluids, play in the transmission of monkeypox. There are two known clades of monkeypox virus, one first identified in West Africa (WA) and one in the Congo Basin (CB) region. If a person develops symptoms such as a rash with blisters on face, hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and/or genitals and peri-anal areas; fever; swollen lymph nodes; headaches; muscle aches; and fatigue they should contact their health care provider and get tested for monkeypox. In the European Union, this vaccine has been approved for prevention of smallpox under exceptional circumstances. The majority (84%) of confirmed cases (n=1773) are from the WHO European Region. Monkeypox epidemiology, preparedness and response. The map does not count countries with confirmed cases which are wholly or primarily geographically located outside of Europe (e.g. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. A separate in-depth Case Investigation and Contact Tracing Form (CIF) for Member States has been also shared with Member States. Figure 1: Confirmed cases of monkeypox by WHO region from January 2022 to 15 June 2022, data as of 15 June 2022 17:00 CEST. Basel, Karger, 1988, vol 17, pp 1-5. doi: 10.1159/000416456. Close contact with someone who has signs or symptoms consistent with monkeypox should be avoided, including not having intimate or sexual contact. Kluge said public health authorities in Europe must quickly ramp up surveillance for monkeypox and their capacity to diagnose the disease and sequence samples. On 24 May, the Czech Republic registered its first case of monkeypox in a woman, likely picked up from a festival in Belgium, according to Reuters. [9] Human-to-human transmission can occur through exposure to infected body fluids or contaminated objects, by small droplets, and possibly through the airborne route. Figure 2. For related WHO documents, please see the Information section below. The majority of the patients who provided demographic information identified as men who have sex with men, he said. Attendees should always be reminded to apply individual-level responsibility to their decisions and actions, with the aim of preserving their health, that of the people they interact with, and ultimately that of their community. This is a table of confirmed and suspected monkeypox cases in European countries during the ongoing 2022 monkeypox outbreak. [39], On the same day, Norway confirmed its first case of monkeypox. [8] Diagnosis can be confirmed by testing a lesion for the virus's DNA.

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monkeypox cases in europe

monkeypox cases in europe