montessori sleep consultant

However, I do believe once your baby has that beautifully built foundation for independent sleep it only takes a little encouragement and the proper wake times for them to know that its time for rest and even be eager to go to sleep. If your child is under the age of 2 years old your floor bed should be a firm crib mattress per AAP recommendations. Thanks for braving this topic, Jennifer its one thats old battleground for mommy wars. Maybe because sleep is something we all so desperately miss from our pre-child lives! How about a toddler? I take the time to be there with him so that he feels safe. . There is absolutely no evidence that cortisol levels remain elevated beyond the short period of sleep learning. It may help to think of it like eating: we dont let children choose whether or not to eat, but we dont force a child to use a spoon who isnt ready. Lastly, the time in the evening after my kids are in bed is so valuable. They just need their own perfect routine. How can parents set up healthy sleep habits from birth? Learn how your comment data is processed. Our bedtime routine now (at 3.5 years) is: Sounds like youve found something that really works for you! I didnt cosleep with my first child until she was 14 month old. It has worked well for both of our children. Oh, the irony: you take the baby out of the family bed just so your husband could cuddle with you, because he, the grown man, cant handle not being close to his loved one. Does this vary widely from child to child? As soon as she was in her own space and getting a good night's sleep, her development and her mood immediately improved. It sells books, courses, and baby products. One is not holding space if one has left them alone in the room. All of these big changes take time.Is it ever too late to help a child sleep independently? As Megan talks about, this doesnt mean abandoning them to cry on end. The Sprout Floor Bed Frame is acceptable, as long as the mattress is firm and flat with no soft or loose bedding. Some little ones have lower sleep needs and some have higher and thats ok! A big one is that they promote independence and freedom within limits (read more about that principle here). With both of our children, we started setting up healthy sleep habits very early on so they have been comfortable putting themselves to sleep since young babies. Ill be discussing hormonal sleep windows more soon, but I think its too much to add onto this post. While the children do have more space to explore, they also learn appropriate boundaries of that freedom. Nighttime music is not generally considered Montessori, but I found it helpful while transitioning Ella to independently falling asleep. There is usually some crying involved in sleep training, and that is why it is not considered a Montessori-aligned parenting practice. Welcome to Sugar, Spice & Glitter! She will most likely come into my room crying around 2, but once shes in our bed shes fine. When a child is capable of falling asleep independently, youre going to see more consistent sleep patterns come about. Positive praise, reassurance, and a you can do it attitude really help. Thanks for supporting Montessori in Real Life! Being a well-rested family benefits all areas of life- play, school, and work. Tea tree would be safer. Without further ado, here is our interview: Hi Megan! Sometimes letting her hold onto something of mine helped, too. 7:28 final kisses, turning on the closet light and sound machine, tucking in her and her doll. I dont think Dr. Montessori had it right in some places; letting children stay up to see the stars and rise with the sunyou dont want to see my kids after a late night. When people attach the term Montessori to sleep, its often in reference to developing independence around sleep and bedtime. Once a child is older than 3 months of age its important to move the feed to the beginning of the bedtime routine. I have a few sleeping posts in the work, and hope I can muster up the courage to post more about cosleeping . I understand the struggle with restful sleep. When your child learns to self soothe it usually means they can calm their own body and drift off to sleep on their own without relying on something external. Thank you for this thoughtful and informative post. I will admit that Ella took hours to fall asleep when we first embraced this approach (singing and playing until 10pm some nights), but she slowly returned to an earlier bedtime. I would recommend waiting until 6 months and up to introduce a floor bed. Many parents continue nursing their babies when they wake hungry; needs are not ignored. Another concept is playing to sleep which allows children to have access to books and toys at bedtime and giving them freedom to determine when they are ready to fall asleep. Every night, I lay down with Little Bee to help him fall asleep. Ive had amazing sleepers and Ive had children who scream and scream no matter what you do for them because they prefer being tricked into sleep (rocked slowly while watching TV, etc) My 10 months old also needs help to sleep. Thanks for sharing! Youve got this!!! need, floor bed or not. the sleep training parent leaves her child alone to cry. I couldnt stand it. At that point only rocking him in our arms would make him sleep. (They are now 12 months and almost 3 years) We chose to use floor beds for a few reasons. This also gives me time without the kids to recharge, spend time with my husband, or work with my clients. Lastly, I often hear, my child wont love me as much or feel as attached to me if they are sleeping on their own. I get it!! Please note, this post may contain affiliate links. Im a mom of 3 and I love those sweet snuggles and individual times with each of my children, but I promise seeing them wake up each morning well rested and happy is a win. While there may be some tears, you can absolutely comfort your child and work with them on these new sleep skills. I feel that floor beds can be successful for a younger child if he or she is used to having freedom within limits. The studies are poorly conducted and the synopses are heavily biasedand, for a lover of science, difficult to read. Want to read more about Montessori parenting? That is not to say that a child gets a say as to whether or not they are going to bed they dont but rather, if a child feels unsafe going to sleep without a light on, or a parent present, etc, we acknowledge that forcing the child to comply with our (well-intentioned, well-informed) bedtime design can be counter-productive and doesnt occur as empowering to the child. You can even put an educational spin to it if youre more comfortable spelling out letters and words on your childs hand and having them guess what youre saying.. Welcome back to Sugar, Spice & Glitter! Do babies and children just instinctively rest when they need to rest or do they need our assistance? Montessori was not pro-sleep training, however it can absolutely be done in a gentle, Montessori-aligned way. An essential aspect of Montessori-style bedrooms is that they are not over-stimulating in themselves. And your husband not fitting into his new family my husband felt the same way, while our daughter was peacefully sleeping in the crib in her very own room. The second thing I often hear is that sleep training is too stressful for children, but I would argue that not sleeping enough or fighting sleep is equally or more stressful (and research backs me on this) and finding whats right for your family is the best choice. When given the missing pieces to the sleep puzzle, it was a wonderful turn around. Then we walk to her room, where her crib is more of a daybed, and she will climb in. In the newborn days its just a gentle repetitive process. At Sleep Wise, as a group of Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultants, our mission is to give tired parents the tools they need to teach their children how to sleep 11-12 hours through the night. For older kids ages 3+ it has to be clear and consistent. They will also come to know that nights are for sleep and that their loving parents will be in when they are needed. (They wake up with the sun on their own.). In short, the sleep environment should align with the recommendations in the policy statementSIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. That being said, floor beds are not a necessity for independent sleep. What would you say your mission is? Here are some other tips: There is a ton of controversy around encouraging independent sleep, especially in the Attachment Parenting segment of the parenting population. This can start off at a young age as baby massage and either remain as massage as children get older, or adapt to something as simple as rubbing their backs or drawing on their hands with your fingers while reading a bedtime story. Required fields are marked *. A dark room, sound machine on, and soothing as needed is a great way to start! Your childs cortisol levels will elevate when they are learning to grab objects with their hands, when they are learning to crawl, walk, talk, ECT. I no longer have a floor bed, as I did when she was younger, but I have provided a trunk for her to easily step up onto. Ella sometimes chooses to start off the night in her bed and sometime after I have gone to bed she will climb in with me. Hello! She has worked with all kinds of families, including those who have chosen floor beds for their toddlers. Do not expect results overnight, it can absolutely take a few weeks to see the new changes happen. Reading random comments and anti-sleep-training articles on the internet will have you believe that parents who let their children cry it out at bedtime are throwing their babies in a cold, dark dungeon, promptly at 7 pm every night just so we can drink wine and laugh at their cries. For more details, see our Full Disclosure . With this, the children feel secure, capable of putting themselves to sleep, trusted, and respected (not to mention they allow for a few extra cuddles at their level before tucking them in for the night!) For example, you have to have boundaries and expectations during the day with your child if you want it to smoothly translate over to bedtime. I know Im mostly lucky with her sleep, but weve put her down the moment she starts getting tired from day one. This is sleep training in a nutshell and it is the route many Montessori parents choose, as co-sleeping is not always desired by the parents and/or child and many parents work situations dont allow for it. Regarding the Essential Oils, please look into the danger of using peppermint oil. Sleep is a necessity for healthy growth and development and I love being able to coach people through that. Starting right from the beginning allows you to encourage self-soothing skills and by 12 weeks little ones are peacefully drifting off to sleep on their own and sleeping 10-12 hours at night with feeds as needed. Mom might nurse, or either parent might offer a bottle while humming or singing a familiar lullaby. If you were to choose a newborn plan with us there is no crying involved at all with sleep. Any tips to make him sleep by himself? How did you end up making it work ? (Some children naturally slow down and eventually give in to sleep, some children will fight til the very end.) For us, Montessori bedtimes also involves choice between my bed and her own bed. And we let her stay up another 30 mins or so, but then she goes down again the same way and the 2nd time is always the winner! Im a Montessorian myself, but bedtimes are a non-negotiable in our house. While children can engage in hours of play within them, the rooms themselves should allow for peace and relaxation. In gentle parenting approaches being present, even if you don't feel you want to pick them up/ they need to be picked up, is believed to be essential for them to have the experience that their feelings are being contained. When I lay my kids down and kiss them goodnight I know they will wake up in the morning from a full nights sleep ready to enjoy the day. I think I also need to write a post about sleep dependency and how to ease away from it. At this age being black and white with your expectations is crucial. We didn't sleep train so my husband could cuddle with meI have trouble sleeping with other people in the bed, even my husband. I am a Montessori enthusiast, but I am a scientist, as well. To help create predictably, choosing a number of books helps older kids know whats expected, usually I recommend about 3 books pending the length. For most children about 20-30 minutes is good, maybe a bit longer on bath nights. Sleep is the gift that keeps on giving. Can you define sleep training in the context of self-soothing? Our method at Sleep Wise is not traditional cry it out. Every family is definitely different. Safe sleep is always most important for your child.If parents are interested in introducing a floor bed to an infant, how would you suggest they begin? Ensure plenty of closeness and bonding happens throughout the day. A few of the biggest misconceptions I hear are you have to use cry it out, its stressful for your child, or they wont feel attached anymore. My daughter, as well as my 3 year old, will often end up snuggled up to me a couple times a week and I'm totally fine with it. It is funny I find that kids who start with no cribs but always an open bed dont have the issues of escaping the bed the same as children in cribs do! There were tear-filled nights, and it was really hard to not feel like I was being a big mean mom, but I lovingly assured her that she was fine but she needed to stay in bed, and sometimes I would set a timer and lie down with her for an extra three minutes (that way the timer ends it and not me I used to not be a fan of timers, but they work for us now). They are just too tiny and need to still eat quite often. Note: These photos are from S room at 12 months old. Making sure your little one's room is safe, checking furniture anchors, outlets, small objects, window curtains, blankets, doors, etc. For more details, see our Full Disclosure . More than anything, its having confidence in our children and giving the chance they deserve to learn how to sleep well, and independently. This comment is deleted because its SPAM. Below, are some average times to help you find where your baby fits. Is there a good way to do a sleep training for a 9 mo baby using a Montessori bed? This, now, is their new routine, and they appreciate no deviation from it. Who knows though! Sometimes she says no, but mostly she will say baba and then walk over to the fridge to get the milk out if I havent started walking there. Its important to note that Dr. Montessori never wrote about sleep and that there is no singular approach that all Montessori-style parents (or teachers) agree upon. We all have our own self soothing strategies pillow position, window cracked open, favorite blanket, no socks etc. Follow your childs sleep cues and lay them down before they are overtired. If not, there are steps you can take to help the process along. (To clarify, Attachment Theory and Attachment Parenting are two separate things. It came across as condescending towards those who bed-share. I mean, babies are tossed into a cold, dark room, on a cold, hard mattress for heavens sake. As a result, we bedshared from 14 months to 3 years. I can only speak to our experience and what has worked for us. Sue, Making it positive and finding a sleep method you feel comfortable with is key. Thanks. It's not the crying that most gentle parents mind (trying to prevent or stop any crying in a baby or child is not what defines gentle and would be considered manipulative in many people's view but i think this does get misunderstood) it's the belief that you don't leave a baby or child alone while they cry. My top three tips when implementing any of the sleep methods described below are: The most widely discussed Montessori sleep arrangement is the floor bed, a crib- or toddler-sized mattress either placed directly on the ground or upon a low bed frame. There is amazing proof that skin-to-skin contact with loved ones is essential for children in emotional regulation and is incredibly calming before bedtime. The bed also should not be against a wall, as this could lead to entrapment between the mattress and the wall. The light is turned off, leaving a calm-inducing atmosphere, lit only by anightlight. Here are the current recommendations on the sleep needs of children ages 0-5: There is much propaganda regarding the cortisol levels of children during sleep training, but elevated cortisol levels are only harmful over an extended period of time, such as chronic sleep deprivation, extended maternal separation, and physical and emotional neglect.

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montessori sleep consultant

montessori sleep consultant