nikon super coolscan 5000 ed

You can not automatically take over the settings you made for instance for the first image to the remaining images. The Nikon scan software brilliantly supports the SF-210: after prescanning the first image you can make all settings So if 5 thin paperboard mounts follow 5 thick mounts you can accordingly adjust the metal bar before the scanner draws the paperboard mounts in. And in exactly this respect I can only praise the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED. So I conclude that the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED has got an effective resolution of horizontal 4100 dpi and vertical 3650 dpi, thus it averages about 3900 dpi. I think this sales policy is regrettable, because in my opinion this is not optional but necessary accessory. Should we scan maybe 10 standardized test slides with resolution bar, colour patterns and gray scales to check to what extent the scans match the original? OPTIONAL: Roll film adapter SA-30 for up to 40 frames on an uncut roll of 35mm film. You can be sure that such a transport mechanism is afflicted with all perfidies you can imagine. You definitely won't see a gigantic increase of quality when you use Silverfast instead of NikonScan. DDE and a Scan Image Enhancer have been newly added. Of course NikonScan has got some shortcomings too which I don't want to keep secret. This site has been translated from German into English and serves for a better understanding for the English speaking visitors of our website. Two holders strained by springs fix the two batches of slides in their particular position. What counts for SLR cameras can also be transferred to film scanners to a certain amount: it's not the camera that takes the picture, it's the lens. are automatically retouched effectively. When scanning a single image it can of course happen that the whole film has to be winded first, what can take a lot of time if you want to scan frame #3 and then frame #37 for example. Most other film scanners fail with this special task. Appendix 2016: The scan software NikonScan from Nikon does not run on actual operating systems any more. The weak computing power additionally thwarts the ICE. See my page about image correction. Bearings on both left and right hand side fix the object slide so that it can't shake or fall off. I don't like this construction at all. Using an USB 1.1 port instead of the 2.0 version considerably extends scanning time, mainly when working with the highest resolution. The two drawers are each 78mm long, so that 25-75 slides, depending on the thickness of the mounts, can be inserted. But the actual application for owners of a Nikon film scanner should be the possibility to process NEF images. Here the FH-3 strip film holder is essential. The new adaptor got a little darker in colour - an outstanding trend with Nikon: the once light grey of the adaptors is getting always darker. Another shortcoming is that sometimes the communication with the scanner doesn't work anymore - the software then messages that no scanner is connected. With the SA-21 it is possible to scan 35mm film strips with up to six frames automatically. By differences the content of the German original website holds. Using the scan software you can choose which one of the up to six images you want to scan. But what is this programm used for with a film scanner? A system with more than the minimum amount of memory is recommended. How many people have thousands or even ten thousands of mounted 35mm slides in magazines, boxes and other containers, whitch they'd like to digitise? Additional information: Scanning times and other performance-related statistics are based on Nikon internal testing results. Often a whole family life is documented in a wardrobe full of slide magazines. While scanning it happens every now and then that the software totally crashes. When fully zooming into element 6.4 you can't see clear structures anymore. This test report describes the test object as we have received and tested it. The user interface looks virtually identical, the settings work as known. In principle it's only a thumb wheel on the right hand side and a simple metal bar, that makes the difference to the old slide feeder SF-210. We already know the automatic dust and scratches removal ICE, the Grain Equalization and Management GEM as well as the colour recreation tool ROC from the predecessor. I've tested two old SF-200(S) with the Super Coolscan 5000 ED and both worked properly when batch scanning. This ensures a fast data transfer. You can get the optional FH-3 strip film holder. Additionally you'll get a film drum which is attached to the backside of the scanner. You can make all settings adjusted with the scan software with the image editing software, too, except for one: the dust and scratches correction ICE. Transporting the film from frame 1 to frame 6 takes about 5 seconds including fine adjustment. Naturally the resolution and the settings of the scan software are important factors. Using the old APS film adaptor IA-20(S) with the new Super Coolscan 5000 ED worked well too. But nothing argues against placing further slides in the half-empty input magazine and remove the already scanned slides out of the half-full output magazine during scan mode, in order to allow non-stop scanning of up to 99 images. The details and the dynamic range are sensational. If you scan an image with 48 Bit colour depth and save the outcome in the TIF format, you'll have all image information in a large file, so that you can make a virtually perfect digital image by editing it afterwards. Who already knows Silverfast from his flat bed scanner or even already owned another film scanner with Silverfast doesn't want to become acquaintetd with another scan software of course, because handling this kind of software correctly requires a lot of time. By the way I've also tested the new feeder SF-210 with the old LS-4000 - there was no problem as well. The scanner is digitising single slides so quickly in every process (auto focus, exposure, preview, fine scan), that it does not pay off to leave the workplace. The strip film holder FH-3 becomes really usefull not until you have greatly curled or curved negative or positive strips which the automatic strip film adaptor SA-21 processes incorrectly or doesn't draw in at all. The following times are detected with the SF-210 and scanning with auto focus and auto exposure for every slide. A few words to Nikon's sales policy: one could easily do without the film drum on the backside. Thus a black&white picture can contain up to 65.536 different shades of gray with an optimal scan. An innocent feature with partly groundbreaking effects! In the slot area the object slide is secured by two assembling clips (springs) and at the bedstop another notch prevents movement of the slide. The famous SilverFast is not included in the purchase price of the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 any longer. The 35mm strip film holder SA-21 comes to its limits when scanning greatly curled or curved film strips. The maximum number of batch scans is 99 by the way, you can not set a higher number with the software. This strip film holder was previously supplied with the Nikon 35mm film scanners LS-40ED / LS-4000ED but now it has to be purchased separately as optinal accessory for the new Coolscan 5 and Super Coolscan 5000. Using those you can digitise single slides very quickly: simply insert the slide, make a prescan, adjust the settings and scan - fast and simple. A lot of stars, dust (in space, not on the image) and clouds disappear. Just like with an image editing software you can achieve the same effects on the individual gradation curves by using different controls. Nikon specifies the possible mount thickness between 1,0 and 3,2 mm (0,4 - 1,3 in.) With Adobe Photoshop Elements you can do typical changes of the image ratio like cropping, enlarging and down scaling, rotation and fliping. There isn't more to fetch out of a 35mm slide or negative. If you forcibly pull on the adaptor you can damage the scanner. Considering this I can only compliment Reflecta's sales policy, because virtually all of their scanners can not only handle film strips but film rolls as well. Example: a black and white astronomy shot looks worthless with standard scan settings. Since the strip film holder FH-3 is virtually indispensable for people who want to scan not mounted 35mm film material, they are all but obliged to spend extra money for optional accessory when buying a Coolscan 5000. So who still owns an old slide feeder or can buy one for good terms does not have to be concerned. It's very convenient though that you can generate an index scan of the inserted film strip very quickly for getting a first overview and selecting the images to scan. Before scanning a batch of slides you set the metal bar to a position in which the transport slider can only move one single slide into the scanner. The field of application seems to be very small for this optional accessory at first sight, but preparates are produced in many sciences and not only in medical science. Due to its guides on all four sides you can insert and fix virtually any original with a height of up to 2mm and a width of up to 26mm. Users of WindowsXP, Windows2000 Professional or MacOS X whose computer is not equipped with USB 2.0 can install a RATOC PCU3U USB 2.0 interface board (for more information, visit RATOC Systems Web site). For scanning such film material you can only use the strip film holder FH-3, which was supplied in shipment with the predecessors, but has to be purchased separately now. Does this mean poor image quality? So the big price cut Nikon made with the Super Coolscan 5000 compared to the Super Coolscan 4000 isn't that big at all when considering the changes in the scanner's standard equipment. after execution of our test will not be maintained automatically. I'd recommend that everybody who buys a Nikon Coolscan V or Super Coolscan 5000 should order the strip film holder FH-3 as well, because in my eyes this is an indispensible accessory. In October 2003 Nikon surprised the filmscanner community with the successor of the well proven Super Coolscan 4000 ED. and 3,2mm (0,13in.). I am very pleased with my Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED and wouldn't exchange it for the old Coolscan 4000 anymore considering the lunatic speed. A sophisticated mechanical turnout prevents the scanned slides getting back into the input magazine. With this tool the image is not only scanned repeatedly but also with different exposure settings. But my first two scans with single mounted slides failed. The high resolution of 4000dpi generates about 20 million pixel out of a 35mm slide! After that the film drum can be fixed to that connecting piece with its integrated assembling screws. This raw format contains (almost) all original information from the scan process, so that you have numerous possibilities of image enhancement and changing scan settings after the scan with the help of Nikon View. When scanning Kodachrome images, where noise has more effect than with normal positive transparencies, the multiple scan feature proved itself for me. You can indeed define the scan area as usual with a frame, but if the scanner can't correctly distinguish the single frames on the film roll (for example with several night shots) you can find the correct images by setting the image position manually. If you run NikonScan indirectly via an image editing software you'll get up to six windows with the image(s) for editing. I have ordered my Coolscan V and Super Coolscan 5000 the same day and I also received them at the same day. This function is a very recommendable feature of the NikonScan software, because it can notably improve a bigger part of the images. ProductDetail.ProductTabs.reviewError.message, ProductDetail.ProductTabs.ForumError.message. But this does by no means apply for the whole image. ICE works perfectly with the Nikon 5000: dust, scratches, fingerprints, lint etc. Can the software be recommended? And who wants to apply filters to his scan afterwards, for example to sharpen the image, finds almost boundless possibilities here, too. So the MA-21 not only acts as a film adaptor but as well as a cover for the front insertion. The dimensions and the form are the same as its predecessor's. I can't tell if this is a software bug or serves a purpose. Such a scan naturally takes ages, but you can achieve a considerable enhancement considering noise if you apply multiple scans. The APS film adaptor IA-20(S) is available as optional accessory for the LS-5000, which can be used for scanning whole APS films at once. With such experiments you can indeed determine certain numerical values, but you often can't use them to find out what an image will look like. The fast data transfer is not only needed because of the extensive amount of data but also because the scanner works very quickly, i.e. The film scanner is connected to the computer via the USB 2.0 port (USB 1.1 is also possible). For doing so you have to buy SilferFast separately. Second is the scanner's expandability with several optional film adaptors. Rating the speed of a film scanner is a very hard thing, because many factors play a decisive role, which you don't necessarily think of. In the beginning I was sceptical of this design - but in the meantime I've inserted hundrets of film strips into the scanner with the strip film holder, and there never was a problem. Preview 1 slide with auto focus and auto exposure, Single scan slide 2000 dpi, auto focus, auto exposure, Single scan slide 4000 dpi, auto focus, auto exposure, Preview 1 negative with auto focus and auto exposure, Single scan negative 2000 dpi, auto focus, auto exposure, Single scan negative 4000 dpi, auto focus, auto exposure. Digital ICE4 Advanced(TM) (Digital ICE Quad Advanced). I would yet like to point at an unpleasing feature of using the strip film adaptor SA-21: the SA-21 can not be removed from the scanner when a film strip is inside the feeder. For APS-photographers there is the APS adaptor IA-20. The light source is a four part LED which does a great job with colour images, but has some shortcomings with black&white images. For dear money you'll get a film adaptor which is plugged into the front of the scanner just as any other adaptor. The slides all have to be inserted in the landscape format, i.e. The automatic feeder possibly doesn't draw these strips in or incorrectly transports them. If you buy a Coolscan 5000 you will get good value for your money indeed, but you'll have limited possibilities: single slides can be processed with the serial slide mount adaptor MA-21. This is the successor to the MA-20(S). It's getting more delicate when scanning curled film strips, curved slides or - to some extent - glass mounted slides, because the depth of field of the Coolscan 5000 is less than 1mm. Thus the dream of automatically batch scanning 50 images at once becomes true only occasionally. Nikon Authorized Dealers - Sport Optics (PDF). The film is transported by rubber rolls. I've already mentioned that Nikon does not ship its new models of film scanners with Silverfast anymore. Newly-developed, high-quality 2-line CCD sensor. The new slide mount adaptor MA-21 has got an integrated cover protecting the scanner's interior against dust. While the serial slide mount adaptor MA-21 is inserted into the scanner virtually just as a holder to carry slides, the also serial strip film holder SA-21 is inserted deeper and connected to the scanner by an interface with 35 pins. In principle a film scanner with a resolution of 4000 dpi can be used as a microscope with camera by means of the FH-G1. Rumors of every discription was spread. That of course applies for positive film strips too. You should in no case turn ROC on permanently though. It's annoying when suddenly the progress bar stands still in the middle of the scan process and nothing happens for a couple of minutes. Now it's getting exotic but by no means unrealistic. Hence Nikon specifies the scanner's density range with 4,8. With tidyly mounted slides and plain film strips the autofocus does a very good job. But Nikon worked on this problem and came out with the SF-210, a highly improved successor to the SF-200. With the scan software SilverFast Ai Studio the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED can be used with actual operating systems, too. Thus who want to digitise great quantities of slides have to sit next to the scanner/computer permanently when using the standard MA-21, and do the disc jockey. For many users the Nikon own scan software is entirely sufficient though. In my opinion there is nothing to be said against inserting a super thin slide mount with the thickness of only 0,5mm. And there is nothing to be said against scanning all six of them in one go. So you can save for example all settings for mounted colour slides as "Slide4000jpgICE.set" and easily load these settings when scanning such film material. Nikon removed this film holder as well - you can only purchase it as optional accessory. We already know the grain equalization GEM and the colour enhancement ROC from the predecessor. My old roll film adaptor SA-30(S) could also be attached to the new Super Coolscan 5000 ED without difficulty and there was no problems when scanning whole film rolls. Naturally this artificial sharpening gives the final touch of details to the scan, but I'd recommend to do the sharpening with the image editing software afterwards, because a once performed unsharp mask can not be undone easily, particularly if the parameters were set to high values. If you cut away the 35mm slide mount you will get about 30% less image information than by activating the whole scan area. Nikon supplies a threepart software bundle with the filmscanners: Some owners of a Nikon digital camera will ask themselves "What's Nikon View doing with a Nikon filmscanner?" A sophisticated mechanism locks the adaptor in the scanner. With multiple scans you can decrease image noise and glitches while scanning. When scanning negatives transporting times always add to the scanning times. My following review will show that Nikon strongly saved costs, which is not obvious at first glance though. Due to the spring lock such problematic film strips can be firmly fixed in the strip film holder and scanned frame by frame. At Windows PCs (especially at notebooks) USB 2.0 is more widespread though, and has the same transmission capacity as Firewire. This works fast and comfortable though. The full version can load, process and save image files with 16 bit per colour channel. At first glance the new Version 4 doesn't seem to have changed a lot compared to the old version. Note: Just like most film scanners the Nikon LS-5000 ED only knows landscape format. * Note: More memory may be required depending on film type, scan size, resolution, bit depth, the number of scans performed in each session, the film holder or adapter used and whether Digital ROC or Digital GEM are used. NikonScan is so good and extensive in the meantime that you can perfectly use it for comfortably producing very good scans. Nikon supplies a small plate which can be attached to the transport slider when scanning thick slides. The slides are automatically transported from the lower drawer into the scanner and after the scan is complete back out into the other drawer. Changes in configuration, specification, hardware, software etc. Part of the standard configuration are two film adaptors. In my opinion a very reasonable feature - but scanning then takes a lot of time. Of course it is very important that no dirt gets on the rubber rolls. Some Mac useres won't like this change. NEF is Nikon's own raw format which can be selected as output file format when scanning with NikonScan. What else distinguishes a Nikon scanner? The achieved scanning times are shocking compared to the first PC: You can clearly see that the USB 1.1 port is a bottleneck when working in batch mode with the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED. There is the optional strip film holder FH-3 for strongly curled or curved film strips (positive or negative) as well as for single, loose frames. But you should be aware of the fact that not everything works fully automatically by itself and without problems, but that you have to check the scanning process from time to time and that - just like with a copier - you sometimes have to manually remove jams. You can insert single mounted transparencies into the slide mount adaptor MA-21 and whole film strips into the strip film adaptor SA-21. Thereby the price reduction compared to the predecessors LS-40 and LS-4000 levels out - thus the scanners didn't really get cheaper, they were only reduced in the scope of delivery. Sign in or create an account to access your information. The scan area plays a decisive role. The image quality provided by this scanner is brilliant, particularily with problematic images like night shots. If you perform a normal standard scan with the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 you'll get brilliant scans of 90% of all images using the standard settings. The first test with the slide feeder SF-200(S) succeeded, i.e. The APS adaptor is installed in the scanner just like the strip film holder until it locks in place. In a colour picture 16 bits per colour channel mean a total of 248 different colours, which come up to the almost unimaginable number of 256 trillion colours. Although the FH-3 is an indispensible accessory for Nikon film scanners.

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nikon super coolscan 5000 ed

nikon super coolscan 5000 ed