accenture knowledge management

"@type": "ImageObject", "@type": "ImageObject", Thank you! The Organizational Problem. "@type": "ImageObject", "@type": "ImageObject", Accenture today A Use Case is simply a defined way of using Yammer to accomplish a goal or complete a task. Change had taken place in the early 2000s. ONE 2 Traditional value is based on net assets of the company New philosophy is that value of firm reflects value. Download ppt "KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AT ACCENTURE". ACCENTURE Years of experience have been captured in thousands of documents covering market research, financial analyses, engagement histories, and position papers Long History of focusing on knowledge management STEP #1 WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT SIDE STEP STEP #1 STEP #2 STEP #3 STEP #4 STEP #5The Organization STEP #2 The Organizational Problem STEP #3 The Information Aspect of the Problem STEP #4 Impact of IT on the Information Aspect of the Problem STEP #5 IT/IS Based Alternatives for Solving Problem STEP #6 The Pros/Cons to the Alternatives STEP #7 A Solution and Its Advantages STEP #8 Messages for the Modern Leader SIDE STEP "width": "800" "@context": "", SPECIFIC BUSINESS GOALSSimplify end users experience Improve search and browse features Centralize development and operations of the Accenture Knowledge Management Simplify content management Cost effective "@context": "", Centralize development and operations of the Accenture Knowledge Management. "@type": "ImageObject", Paradoxically however these advisory firms and consultancies vary significantly in terms of their ability to transform knowledge into a lasting competitive asset they can use to retain and grow their client bases. Not a futuristic approach. Foster a team-building culture where groups/functional areas/project teams can communicate across organizational boundaries. "@context": "", }, 23 Included as standard are advanced technologies that provide students with the ability to connect to the Internet form literally anywhere while also having a specialized version of the Google, Change Management Websites "@context": "", Accenture has had a long history of focusing on knowledge management. STEP #2 ", . Sheila Ray. Also included on this site are links to the company's Global Conference held May 1 -- 4, 2011 in Orlando. "width": "800" Module 1: Overview of Information System in Organizations Chapter 2: How Organizations use IS. In essence without a strong ECM framework that was originally defined as the KX strategy, inadequate manual processes, often highly time-consuming and reliant more on informal networks than process enablement strategically, significantly slow down the performance of any organization. In conclusion, after "@type": "ImageObject", Building Bridges Between the Professional Searcher and Enterprise Search Solutions Helen Mitchell, Senior Search Strategist. CUSTOMER CAPITAL. About CRM Foster a team-building culture where groups\/functional areas\/project teams can communicate across organizational boundaries. "@type": "ImageObject", }, 14 Business Intelligence. }, 34 "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/28/IT+ASPECT+Microsoft+SharePoint+Collaboration+Portals+Enterprise+Search.jpg", STEP #7. "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/23/SPECIFIC+BUSINESS+GOALS.jpg", Delivered STEP #1 It will replace Lotus notes that is not proving to be very efficient for the company. Knowledge Management can allow leaders to track success measures and develop clear competencies. Cost effective. "name": "MIGRATE TO MICROSOFT SHARE POINT", The Information Aspect of the Problem. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT A set of methods and tools than can be used to discover, create, integrate, store, represent, and distribute knowledge for achieving a particular objective 2022 Inc. All rights reserved. "name": "ACCENTURE", However, there has been a breakdown to the true purpose of KM which is to bring the right knowledge to the right person at the right time in the right context. "@context": "", KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Knowledge Hierarchy Categories of Knowledge. STEP #5. Analyzing BT's CRM from an Academic Perspective BT's Solution Second, the design and navigation of the KX Global Knowledge system had to take into account over thirty different applications, all created by separate groups throughout Accenture. "@type": "ImageObject", In any case, the Project Management Office (PMO) is mandated to spearhead a risk assessment and management plan. { Knowledge organization and categorization. Electronic Inspiration LLC. "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/27/ACCENTURE+TODAY.jpg", { "description": "CONTINUE TO USE AND IMPROVE UPON LOTUS NOTES MIGRATE TO SHAREPOINT STEP #5. "@type": "ImageObject", "@context": "", }, 13 { "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/14/Technology+problem+Lotus+Notes+Decentralized+Dated+Platform.jpg", "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/10/KNOWLEDGE+MANAGEMENT+FRAMEWORK.jpg", ", The best practices of transforming both unstructured and structured content into linguistic models that can further strengthen Accenture's thought leadership and unique differentiation is called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) (Wei, Yang, Lin, 2008). "description": "USER FLOW", "@type": "ImageObject", "description": "Accenture has been going through a phase of fiscal tightening (especially around operating costs and numbers of staff) while still trying to deliver high performance. This is based on the knowledge that quality of risk management determines the performance and outcome of the project. Will work under the limitations of the current system: No clear governance structure, duplication of data, difficult to search. We think you have liked this presentation. and pay only $8.25 each, Buy 500 or above "name": "CONTINUE TO USE AND IMPROVE UPON LOTUS NOTES", Additional challenges are in the areas of application development, design, navigation and integration of existing applications into the KX Global platform, logistics and an introduction to the use of corporate-wide processes over merely relying on information networks for fulfilling information and knowledge requests. "name": "KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK", "name": "", Supply chain management (SCM) concerns with the management of such networks enabling interchange of materials and information through the network. Larry Wandowich. "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/34/QUESTIONS+THANK+YOU+FOR+LISTENING%21%21.jpg", "description": "INFORMATION PROBLEM", The proposed new product that an entirely new venture will be based on is the Knowledge Navigator Tablet PC. { }, 3 ", "width": "800" In addition to the integration of the many disparate, often previously isolated systems, companies who rely on knowledge management as critical to their core business model also create a specific layer dedicated to just analytics (Dolezalek, 2003). "description": "", 2004. "width": "800" 1 Corporate Capabilities. "description": "PROS. "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!! "description": "SOLUTION. The ancillary strategic goals of ensuring a continually higher level of customer service and support, the continual improvement of sales and marketing, and the support of new research and new services development processes all are critical strategic priorities for McKinsey & Company, Accenture and the many other advisory firms in this industry. Add copies before, Strategic IT Transformation at Accenture ^ KEL471, Knowledge Management at the World Bank: Part 2 ^ HKS789, Knowledge Management at Siemens Spain ^ IES135, Buy 5 - 10 "width": "800" MESSAGES TO THE MODERN LEADER Simplify content management. Improved Productivity. "description": "MESSAGES TO THE MODERN LEADER", "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/29/Accenture+today.jpg", IT ASPECT Microsoft SharePoint Collaboration Portals Enterprise SearchEnterprise Content Management Business Process and Forms Business Intelligence ACCENTURE THE ORGANIZATION While downplayed in the case, this can often lead to information and knowledge hoarding in the most lucrative practice areas while also leading to knowledge scarcity in those areas were associates feel they must protect the information they have to protect their jobs. { "width": "800" Web.2 August. This is a strategic oversight the company must address going forward. appropriate Return on Investments) and want to focus on the short term application of market oriented research. British Telecom -- Building Customer Relationships "name": "Technology problem", { Technology problem }, 24 }, 30 "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/7/ORGANIZATIONAL+PROBLEM.jpg", Senior Management is of the mindset that there must be clearly demonstrated value for future investments (i.e. STEP #8 "@context": "", INFORMATION PROBLEM Accenture has had a long history of focusing on knowledge management. The ensuing resistance to change specifically in the area of information and data sharing can be crippling to any enterprise IT strategy, which has often been the case in Enterprise Resourcing Planning (ERP) systems for example (Newell, Huang, Tansley, 2006). "width": "800" "description": "TEAM #3. "width": "800" Third, each division had gone as far as to also create their own knowledge management applications and escalation procedures for getting and giving assistance within their own teams. "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/2/WHAT+YOU+CAN+EXPECT+SIDE+STEP+STEP+%231+STEP+%232+STEP+%233+STEP+%234+STEP+%235.jpg", "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/18/CONTINUE+TO+USE+AND+IMPROVE+UPON+LOTUS+NOTES.jpg", New strategy - High performance. }, Working for Warwickshire Competency Framework, Knowledge Management, Intranets, Portals & Web 2.0 New Jersey Law Librarians Association 2008 Annual Business Meeting & Program May 5, 2008 Debevoise &. }, 25 Demonstrate value to the organization as a whole, when making your case for strategy\/funding. ", "description": "Years of experience have been captured in thousands of documents covering market research, financial analyses, engagement histories, and position papers. All Rights Reserved. 1 { "@context": "", Symantec Vision and Strategy for the Information-Centric Enterprise Muhamed Bavi Senior Technology Consultant SEE. { "width": "800" To use this website, you must agree to our, Impact of IT on the Information Aspect of the Problem, IT/IS Based Alternatives for Solving Problem, A global management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company with 133,000 employees and net revenues of U.S.$15.5 billion for fiscal year 2005, Prime example of an information-driven enterprise, Change had taken place in the early 2000s. }, 27 "@context": "", A third major key issue and challenge was the fact that the majority of Accenture associates work remotely, either at client's locations or out of their home. "description": "ALTERNATIVES FOR ACCENTURE", "@type": "ImageObject", STRUCTURAL CAPITAL. Minimal training required. In auditing the knowledge management processes within Deloitte, it was obvious that the extensive amount of insights, expertise and intellect that the company had acquired from serving customers was not being applied to the firm's own challenges. Outlines governance challenges in the global firm, the transition to a new IT infrastructure, and the strategic challenges and opportunities facing knowledge management within Accenture. { "name": "MESSAGES TO THE MODERN LEADER", ALTERNATIVES FOR ACCENTURE "name": "", McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, All Rights Reserved Chapter 15 Creating Collaborative Partnerships. }, 20 "width": "800" Tacit and Explicit knowledge not being properly shared: Efficiency and Innovation are coming down. "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/16/Alternatives+for+accenture.jpg", "@type": "ImageObject", ", "description": "ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEM", Improve search and browse features. "name": "Alternatives for accenture", }, 26 Consulting to Management, "Accenture Knowledge Management Knowledge Management" (2009, May 09) Retrieved August 2, 2022, from, "Accenture Knowledge Management Knowledge Management" 09 May 2009. Clearly in the case study (Terjessen, 2003) there is little thought into how, once the Lotus Notes transition is achieved, that the company will manage both unstructured and structured data. CONTINUE TO USE AND IMPROVE UPON LOTUS NOTESCONS Will work under the limitations of the current system: No clear governance structure, duplication of data, difficult to search Tacit and Explicit knowledge not being properly shared: Efficiency and Innovation are coming down Pressure to cut down costs will continue in the form of lay offs, outsourcing Generation of content with more audio/video might cripple the system in the near future bringing the system performance down Not a futuristic approach "description": "Accenture has had a long history of focusing on knowledge management. { Accenture has been going through a phase of fiscal tightening (especially around operating costs and numbers of staff) while still trying to deliver high performance. "description": "CONS. "@type": "ImageObject", KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT "@context": "", "description": "Improved visibility to innovation across groups. This made the aspect of resistance to change particularly difficult to manage. *Not Affiliated, Sponsored or Endorsed by any University. Change Management Senior Management is of the mindset that there must be clearly demonstrated value for future investments (i.e. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system. "description": "Managing data responsibilities. "width": "800" "description": "The solution for accenture", "width": "800" "width": "800" Despite the fact that Deloitte did have databases, the lack of integration across them hindered the ability of associates to better collaborate with each other and with clients to get them to their goals (Themistocleous, Mantzana, Morabito, 2009). 1.Data categorization 2.Information 3.Knowledge 4.Wisdom 5.Social understanding Which of the following requires a firm to expend resources to organize. "width": "800" CRM Systems -- Data Quality and systems Integration "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/20/MIGRATE+TO+MICROSOFT+SHARE+POINT.jpg", This analysis, Change Management -- a Case Study of British Telecom { }, 28 ", Increase Employee Satisfaction. Capitalizing on the popularity of tablet PCs including the Apple iPad, the Knowledge Navigator is specifically designed for students. "contentUrl": "", Impact of IT on the Information Aspect of the Problem. SIDE STEP. "description": "KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT", uses cookies to offer you the best service. Training needed. { By continuing, you are agreeing to receive cookies. "@context": "", Demonstrate value to the organization as a whole, when making your case for strategy/funding. "width": "800" { MIGRATE TO MICROSOFT SHARE POINTPROS It will replace Lotus notes that is not proving to be very efficient for the company Supports companys strategic shift to Microsoft Technologies and away from Lotus notes Company is already moving towards web based portals Will improve efficiency in the long term after development, deployment and management of KM channels and processes STEP #3 LSI techniques for categorizing data and making it into a strategic asset is critical for an ECM framework to be exceptionally valuable, and this especially holds true for KX Global Rollout (Wei, Yang, Lin, 2008). { }, 22 Minor investment needed. "name": "ACCENTURE", }, 31 }, 15 Ivey Publishing, Industry: Change management needed. A set of methods and tools than can be used to discover, create, integrate, store, represent, and distribute knowledge for achieving a particular objective, Knowledge organization and categorization. "contentUrl": "/slide/5024718/16/images/1/KNOWLEDGE+MANAGEMENT+AT+ACCENTURE.jpg", 2022. "name": "MIGRATE TO MICROSOFT SHARE POINT", The Pros\/Cons to the Alternatives. { }, 10 { This means it must sell within a certain time period and for this reason sales staff must be given a clear time frame in which to achieve various sales targets. "@context": "", "width": "800" }, 33 ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMAccenture has been going through a phase of fiscal tightening (especially around operating costs and numbers of staff) while still trying to deliver high performance. "description": "ACCENTURE TODAY", "width": "800" ", All rights reserved. { ", ", An Example of Systems Integration ", "name": "The solution for accenture", Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. STEP #3. }, 4 STEP #1. supply chain refers to the network that links the internal and external suppliers with internal and external customers. "@type": "ImageObject", { STEP #2. "@context": "", Business consulting services. "description": "The Organization. ", "@context": "", Lotus notes can manage Private , File sharing, Bulletin Boards. "name": "ALTERNATIVE 2: NEW SYSTEM", Compounding all these factors are the point that resistance to change had never been higher as many associates equated their value to Accenture by the amount of information they controlled within their own departments and divisions. Many independent unit based knowledge sharing tools that are seen as. Second, each of the divisions with Accenture had their own taxonomies, ontologies and specific indexes defined for traversing the knowledge they tended to protect in their networks. Most significant is the resistance to change that Accenture will have to deal with as it attempts to get the dozens of applications throughout individual work teams consolidated for use across the entire organization. Copyright 2003 Cuyahoga Community College District Knowledge Management: Making it Fly in Higher Education Presenter: Amy C. Eugene Director, Knowledge. STEP #2. "width": "800" Pressure to cut down costs will continue in the form of lay offs, outsourcing. "@type": "ImageObject", "name": "ADVANTAGES Faster, Easier Knowledge Retrieval", The solution for accenture Website 2: - This website concentrates on the more academic aspects, Time management is extremely important for Kudler Foods because it is introducing a new product line which is a perishable good.

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accenture knowledge management

accenture knowledge management